Dooley visits MUSCIt seemed like the children in the Atrium didn’t know what to think of the giant alien standing in the doorway. But as recognition spread from face to face, they scampered towards the beloved star of ETV’s (Educational Television) “Dooley and Pals.”All that could be seen was a little boy’s grin as Dooley wrapped his big arms around him. One little girl shuffled over to present Dooley with a nearby toy. Donna Phillips, left, gives Dooley a big squeeze. “Dooley and Pals” is her favorite television show. Natalie Freeman, top photo, has her first close encounter with another kind. “Dooley’s visit was highly anticipated by the kids,” said John Parler, Atrium coordinator. “So many of our children watch Dooley every day. His visit is so uplifting and exciting for them.” Dooley visited with the children in the Atrium, Nov. 18, and then made his way to the three units on the 7th floor of the Children’s Hospital. “Dooley and Pals” airs on ETV Monday through Friday at 8 a.m. “The ‘Dooley and Pals’ show, the highest rated program on SCETV, is about a lovable alien who can land in any child's mind. We wanted him to come here so the children could experience Dooley's fun and imagination,” said Polly Kosco, program manager, SCETV. Parler and his staff often coordinate special visits from beloved characters,
including an upcoming appearance by Santa Claus. Santa will visit the Atrium
on Dec. 18 to distribute presents and pose for pictures with Children’s
Hospital patients.
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