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Children’s Hospital announces customer service ‘Shining Star’

Yolinda Zorn, R.N., Pediatric Same Day Area, was selected by the Children’s Hospital's Kick It Up Group as this quarter’s winner representing the MUSC value of excellence.
Each quarter, the group spotlights an employee who represents one of the MUHA values-respect, accountability, adaptability, or excellence. Employees who demonstrate excellence are committed to the highest standards of clinical outcomes, customer service, and ethical behavior.  They earn the trust and confidence of patients and families by knowing what to do and doing it well. They continually strive to improve services for the patient and family.
Zorn, a 35-year MUSC employee, is described by her colleagues as “a shining star.” They also stated that she is always there for her families, patients, and colleagues, and is supportive of new nurses and provides clinical expertise and guidance.
“Her calm, confident manner puts everyone at ease. When something needs doing, she is the first one there to get it done before anyone else even gets up. As one of her colleagues said, ‘she is a quiet leader of excellence,’” said Mary Johnson, R.N., Medically Fragile Children’s Program educator.
The Kick It Up Group also recognized  other nominees, who were also outstanding examples of excellent customer service: Caroline Allen, 7CHA; Caroline Bogtong, Pediatric Cardiology Clinic; Annette Crull, NNICU; Karen Hawkins, 7CHB;  Craig Heinen, Pediatric Respiratory Therapy; and Tamara Snipes, PCICU.


Friday, May 26, 2006
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