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Kohl's supports Safe Kids Trident Area with gift

As Lowcountry students head back to school, MUSC Children’s Hospital is teaming up with one of the nation’s largest retail chains to ensure they are safe. Through a $25,604 donation from the Kohl’s Cares for Kids program, MUSC Children’s Hospital will be able to support Safe Kids Trident Area in their mission to reduce childhood injury in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties.
Nearly 17,000 children seek treatment at the MUSC Pediatric Emergency Department each year. Unfortunately, many of these children suffer injuries that could have been prevented.
Representatives from MUSC and Kohl’s Department Stores display a  check from Kohl’s Cares For Kids Program. From left are Dr. Bieman Othersen, director emeritus, Pediatric Surgery; Ben Hindman, Kohl’s Summerville; Tonya Claypool, Kohl’s Summerville; Russell Rance, Kohl’s Summerville; and John Sanders.

Through Safe Kids, MUSC Children’s Hospital will use this sizeable donation to support bike, pedestrian and sports injury prevention efforts throughout the Lowcountry. Through efforts such as the distribution of pedestrian safety curriculum, holding special events  including Bike to School Day and partnering with local recreation departments, MUSC Children’s and Safe Kids will ensure a safe school year.
“Kohl’s has been a great partner with children’s hospitals across the country for several years,” said John Sanders, MUSC Children’s Hospital administrator. “We are very lucky to have a valuable partner like Kohl’s to support programs and education in our community. Without their support we could not provide some of the important programs that we have. Not only do they support programs financially, but their employees can be seen volunteering at many of our events that benefit the community.”
“Kohl’s introduced the Kohl’s Cares for Kids program to promote children’s health and educational opportunities, and is committed to playing an active role in the communities we serve,” said Julie Gardner, senior vice president of marketing for Kohl’s Department Stores. “We’re proud of the partnerships we’ve created with children’s hospitals across the country, and are excited to join MUSC Children’s Hospital in this endeavor.”
Other MUSC efforts supported through the Kohl’s sponsorship include an outreach van for MUSC Children’s Hospital’s Medically Fragile Children’s Program. Kohl’s has supported MUSC Children’s Hospital programs since 2005.

Friday, Sept. 1, 2006
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