OACVC patients have access to van service

Older Adult Crime Victims Center (OACVC) volunteer Dick Dalla Mura prepares to pick up an OACVC patient for her appointment. The new van service makes it easier for patients to get to and from their appointments.

With the addition of a Ford mini van and volunteer drivers, older adults no longer have to worry about finding transportation to and from their appointments at MUSC’s Older Adults Crime Victims Center (OACVC).

An OACVC patient wanting to use the van service can make arrangements to be picked up at his or her home and then returned after the appointment at no charge. The van is also unmarked, making transportation confidential.

“A lot of older adults don’t drive, so they rely on their children or spouses. Unfortunately, these individuals are sometimes the ones responsible for the abuse and ‘forget’ to drive patients to appointments,” said Ron Acierno, Ph.D., OACVC co-director. “We also had patients who used the Medicaid van waiting up to four hours for it to pick them up after an appointment.”

A Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant provided funding for the van. The Victims of Crime Act uses money the federal government and states have confiscated from criminals to benefit crime victims service programs. A VOCA grant also funded the startup of the Older Adult Crime Victims Center last year.

OACVC volunteer Dick Dalla Mura helped select the van and made arrangements with Palmetto Ford for its purchase. He also drives the van regularly and is helping to recruit more volunteer drivers. “Our patients can’t believe it,” Acierno said. “They’ve commented on how comfortable and nice the van is and how much easier it is for them to get to and from their OACVC appointments.” Currently, the van is used two to four times a week, Acierno said. “But we’re expecting that number to increase greatly once we have more volunteer drivers and more people find out about the service.”

The van is also available to transport children and young adult patients of the National Crime Victims Center, Acierno added.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver for the OACVC van service, call 792-2945 and ask for Ron Acierno.

OACVC offers therapy for crime victims, family

The Older Adult Crime Victims Center (OACVC) offers long and short-term individual, group and family therapy designed to meet the special psychological treatment needs of crime victims age 55 and older.

Because older victims of crime are more likely to experience physical harm or be victimized by someone they trust, they are more vulnerable to the emotional injuries like anxiety, depression, feelings of helplessness and a sense of lost control, that often develop after a crime is committed. If you or someone you know is 55 or older and would like to know more about the clinic or make an appointment, call 792-2945. Referrals may be made by individuals, physicians, employers, community agencies, victim witness offices, mental health professionals, or members of the victim’s family.

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