review document unanimously approved
The following proposed post-tenure review document has been approved
unanimously by members of the Academic Affairs Committee in attendance
on Sept. 24, for submission to the Faculty Senate.
The committee also passed a motion that this revised document be sent
again to the AAUP for their review and opinion. The full Faculty Senate
voted at the Nov. 4 meeting to submit this policy to all faculty for review.
A vote for approval is scheduled for the Dec. 2 Faculty Senate meeting.
Post-Tenure Review Preamble: At
every stage of a faculty member's career, (the annual review process, reviews
for promotion and tenure, as well as post tenure review) all efforts should
be made to identify strengths and weaknesses in performance, and through
appropriate advice and action, provide opportunities for faculty to correct
weaknesses and realize their full professional development.
1. All tenured faculty members shall normally be subject to a
review of professional performance and progress ("post tenure review")
every six years. The process will be based upon the performance of the
faculty member during the previous six years as assessed by annual faculty
evaluations which are summarized on a five point scale (unsatisfactory,
marginal, satisfactory, very good, outstanding) using the standard Faculty
Performance Evaluation Form for all colleges and units of the university.
2. The initial phase of the post-tenure review process will be
conducted by the chair or supervising administrator who will review the
performance records of the faculty member and take action according to
the following guidelines:
- A faculty member who has been rated as satisfactory or above in the
majority of applicable categories in all annual performance evaluations
in the preceding six years will be considered as satisfying the criteria
for meeting the standards of the university for a tenured faculty member
of the given rank. The departmental chair or supervising administrator
shall send to the Appointment, Promotions and Tenure (APT) Committee of
the faculty member's college a letter stating that the faculty member has
received satisfactory or above in the majority of applicable categories
on all of the annual performance evaluations in the preceding six years
and, thus, is performing in accordance with standards of the university
for a tenured faculty member. Copies of this letter shall also be sent
to the dean and faculty member under review. No further action will be
- If a faculty member has been rated unsatisfactory in a majority of
applicable performance categories in one of the six preceding annual evaluations,
and the deficiencies have subsequently been corrected, the chair or immediate
supervising administrator shall send to the APT Committee of the faculty
member's college a letter stating that the faculty member has received
satisfactory or above in the majority of applicable categories on all but
one of the annual performance evaluations in the preceding six years, that
deficiencies have subsequently been corrected, and that the faculty member
is performing at a level in accordance with standards of the university
for a tenured faculty member. Copies of this letter shall also be sent
to the dean and faculty member under review. No further action will be
- If a faculty member has been rated unsatisfactory in a majority of
applicable performance categories in more than one annual evaluation in
the preceding six years, post-tenure review of the faculty member's performance
shall be conducted by the APT Committee of the faculty member's college.
To initiate action, the chair or supervising administrator must submit
a letter to the APT Committee of college indicating that the faculty member
requires a full six year review of performance and progress ("post
tenure review"). A copy of the letter shall also be sent to the faculty
member under review.
- Whenever a tenured faculty member has been rated unsatisfactory in
any category on an annual evaluation, the chair or immediate supervising
administrator shall meet with the faculty member to document the deficiencies,
to outline the steps of improvement to be taken to correct the deficiencies
and the source of the resources (funds) that will be provided to support
the plan. The goal shall be to restore satisfactory performance. A written
summary of the meeting, including a reasonable timetable for correcting
deficiencies and a statement of the resources provided, shall be prepared
for the faculty member. If the chair or supervising administrator finds
that the tenured faculty member fails to make substantial progress toward
meeting the performance goals that had been set and continues to be rated
unsatisfactory in a majority of applicable performance categories on two
succeeding annual evaluations, a special review by the College APT Committee
may be requested by the chair or supervising administrator independent
of the six year review cycle. To initiate action, the chair or supervising
administrator must submit a letter detailing the deficiencies of the faculty
member under review with corroborating documentation and appropriate documents
as described under section three to the College APT Committee. A copy of
the letter detailing the deficiencies will also be sent to the faculty
member under review.
3. When a review of a faculty member's performance and progress
is requested, the College APT Committee will utilize:
- A full report on the faculty member from the department chair, consisting
of copies of the previous six years' annual performance evaluations conducted
by the chair for the period in question using the standard Faculty Performance
Evaluation Form for all colleges and units of the university (See Appendix
I), written summaries that document deficiencies and plan(s) of remediation,
plus the chair's written analysis of the faculty member's performance,
and supplemented by any other documents and information that the chair
wishes to submit.
- The faculty member's curriculum vitae, plus a copy of the faculty member's
annual reports for the period in question detailing his/her activity and
progress, and including such aspects as the outcome of any sabbatical leave,
professional development courses taken, etc. The faculty member under review
shall be given the opportunity to appear before the committee and/or submit
any documents that he/she wishes to be considered.
- Evaluations of teaching performance, in addition to those provided
in the annual review by the department chair. These would typically include
such evaluations as PACE, and comments by the directors of courses in which
the faculty member has taught.
- Any other documents or reports relating to the performance of the faculty
member in any of the areas of professional activity that the department
chair, the faculty member, or the members of the APT Committee wish to
be considered.
4. The College APT Committee will review the faculty member's
performance based upon written standards and criteria which are developed
and periodically reviewed by the faculty. The basic standard for appraisal
shall be whether the faculty member under review discharges conscientiously
and with professional competence the duties appropriately associated with
his or her position, not whether the faculty member meets the standards
for the award of tenure as those will have changed since initial granting
of tenure to that faculty member. The review must also be flexible enough
to acknowledge different expectations in different disciplines and changing
expectations at different stages of faculty careers. In reviewing a faculty
member's performance, the College APT Committee will recognize not only
the diverse talents, activities and accomplishments of faculty within that
college, but also that individual faculty are expected, in consultation
with their chairs, to focus their efforts in selected areas of endeavor.
The APT Committee shall, after completing their review, make a report to
the department chair. The report, which shall be a permanent part of the
faculty member's personnel file, will contain:
- An appraisal of the faculty member's performance and progress, including
the perceived strengths and weaknesses.
- An analysis of the faculty member's potential for further professional
development. Opportunities for development should be identified (e.g.;
encouragement of research initiatives, granting of sabbatical leave, potential
mentorships in teaching and research, appropriate professional development
courses that could be taken, etc.).
5. A clear recommendation shall be made to the dean on whether
the faculty member's performance, in the committee's judgment, meets the
standards of the university for retention of tenure. A failure to meet
these standards shall result in a recommendation for remediation of the
faculty member or for removal of tenure. A recommendation by the College
APT Committee for retention of tenure, for remediation, or removal of tenure
of a faculty member shall be forwarded to the dean. Upon receipt and consideration
of the report of the APT Committee, the dean shall make a determination
of the action(s) to be taken. The dean reviews a recommendation for removal
of tenure and, if in agreement, forwards the approved recommendation to
the vice president for academic affairs and provost for review and action
by the University Tenure Committee. The dean shall provide to the faculty
member and College APT Committee memoranda indicating his/her action.
6. If the University APT Committee, after a full hearing of the
case, supports the recommendation for removal of tenure, this recommendation
will be forwarded to the vice president for academic affairs and provost
and will activate the Grievance and Appeal Procedure for the faculty member
as described in the Faculty Handbook (8.1).
- 7. If the Grievance and Appeal Procedure results in an unfavorable
decision for the tenured faculty member, the faculty member will then function
under the guidelines for non-tenured faculty.
8. The outcomes of evaluations shall be confidential, that is,
confined to the appropriate college or university persons or bodies and
faculty member being evaluated, and shall be released only at the discretion
or with the written consent of the faculty member.
9. This policy becomes effective immediately upon approval of
the Board of Trustees and shall apply to all tenured faculty after the
effective date.