Employee Service Award, 1997

1997 Retirees

Robert Allen, Ph.D., Path and Lab Med; Martina Alston, Critical Care and Emerg Serv; Edith Bennett, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf Serv; *Alma Chavis Brown, Dietetic Serv; Evelina A. Brown, Orthopedics/Trauma; Loree A. Burkhardt, President’s Office; Thomasina Clark, Ambulatory Care; *Linda G. Cloyd, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf Serv; Frances Conley, Public Safety; Carmine Thomas D’Amato Jr., Public Safety; Elizabeth Davis, Patient Financial Serv; Ruth DeHaven, Dept of Med; Donald R. DiBona, Ph.D., Cell Bio, Anatomy; Mary Drayton, Univ Housekeeping; *Roslyn Jenkins Evans, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Lois R. Fields, Dietetic Serv; Paul J. Fortuna, Path and Lab Med; Audrey D. Frasier, Dietetic Serv; Carol Frink, Office of Enrollment Serv; *Ida D. Gadsden, Enviromental Serv; *Dension Gibbs, Enviromental Serv; James H. Goss, Public Safety; Alan J. Gross, Ph.D., Biometry, Epidemiology; *Beatrice A. Hicks, Public Safety; John B. Hynes, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sciences; Willie Mae Kennedy, Sterile Processing; *Alice Lane, Enviromental Serv; *Caroline Lawton, Univ Housekeeping; Frances Lemasters, CHP; Faye F. Lohr, Pediatrics; Alyene G. Lucas Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf Serv; J. Neil Marshall, M.D., Neurology Professor Emeritus; David Mazyck, Physical Plant; Terolyn McDonald, Environmental Serv; Julian McGill, Ph.D., Coll of Pharmacy Professor Emeritus; *Caswell Arthur Miller, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf;Cecile Mizzell, IOP; Alethia Nelson, Sterile Processing; Carolyn Nelson, Univ Housekeeping; Vera Peckey, Marketing; William D. Roff Jr., Public Safety; Janis Rowland, Pediatrics; Peggy Rumph, Hollings Cancer Center; Francis Scarborough, Public Safety; Roger Schoer, Radiology; Mary Louise Sheppard, Environmental Serv; Rosetta B. Singleton, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Wayne H. Smoak, Radiology; Frederick A. Stender Jr., Physical Plant; Gordan B. Stine, D.D.S., Office of the President; JoAnn Stokes-Smith, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Anne Tokarczyk, Surgery; Willie Waiters, Univ Housekeeping; An-Chuan Wang, Ph.D., Microbio, Immunology; Elizabeth Whisenand, Otorhinolaryngology; *Margie Wilder, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; *Betty Wingate, Environmental Serv; Darlene F. Winger, Critical Care, Emerg Serv

40 Years

Maria G. Buse, M.D., Dept of Med; Hazel Moore Webb, M.D., Pediatrics; Vera D. Singleton, Critical Care, Emerg Serv; H. Oliver Williamson, M.D., Ob/ Gyn Professor Emeritus

30 Years

*Alma Chavis Brown, Dietetic Serv; Evelina A. Brown, Therapeutic Serv; Sylvia D. Brown, Dietetic Serv; Aaron Burns, Path and Lab Med; Mary Frances Cason, Mail Serv; *Linda Gail Cloyd, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; J. Walker Coleman III, President’s Office; Bonnie B. Dorazio, Hollings Cancer Center; *Roslyn Jenkins Evans, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Elizabeth W. Frazier, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; *Ida Gadsden, Environmental Serv; *Dension Gibbs, Environmental Serv; Maxine Powell Gourdine, HRM; Mary K. Graves, Path and Lab Med; Joan B. Hammond, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Vernell Grant Harney, Mail Serv; Grady H. Hendrix, M.D., Dept of Med; Francis Joseph Hodge, Coll of Pharmacy; *Alice W. Lane, Environmental Serv; John W. Ledbetter Jr., Ph.D., Biochemistry; Valerie F. Mayo, Dietetic Services; Rosa L. McKinsey, Path and Lab Med; *Caswell Arthur Miller, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Marguerite D. Mills, Coll of Nursing; Carol Ann Moskos, Path and Lab Med; Helen M. Rhea, Critical Care, Emerg Serv; Wanda Lee Roberts, Coll of Dental Med; Wilma C. Sellers, MEDUCARE; Isaac Singleton, Physical Plant; Mary Vanderhorst, Therapeutic Serv; Emily Linda Westbury, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; *Margie M. Wilder, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; **Dabney R. Yarbrough, M.D., Surgery

20 Years

Harriet M. Allen; Outcomes Management; Marion C. Anderson, M.D,. Coll of Med; Patricia H. Arford, Ph.D., Coll of Nursing; Phillipe Arnaud, M.D., Ph.D., Micro and Immun; Ginger R. Blitch, Marketing; Linda L. Bowers, Div of Procurement; Michael Bright, Physical Plant; Rebecca L. Brubaker, Health Comm Network; Deborah Stier Carson, Pharmacy Practice; Mary P. Cartwright, Therapeutic Serv; Deborah L. Chaplin, Anatomy; Christopher A. Colthorpe, Educational Serv; Catherine W. Condon, Pediatrics; James Arthur Cook, Ph.D., Physiology; John L. Cooper, Finance, Support Serv; G. J. Cumming, Health Comm Network; John T. Cunningham, M.D., Dept of Med; Rebecca M. Davenport, Inter Audit/Ctrolled Sub; Nancy J. Doffin, Educational Serv; Sandra C. Dukes, Div of Procurement; Donna M. Edwards, Ambulatory Care; Mary J. Evans, Coll of Nursing; Mildred M. Fail, Path and Lab Med; Mitzi G. Fetner, Physical Asset Management; Sarah G. Finkelstein, Microbio and Immun; Pamela J. Fogle, Infectious Diseases; Geneva Gathers, Univ Housekeeping; Brenda H. Gould, Controller, Assist Treasurer; Aretha J. Green, Path and Lab Med; Patricia R. Griffin, GCRC; Brenda W. Haldi, Pediatrics; Carol H. Haselden, Controller, Assist Treasurer; Rose Haselden, Surgery; Edward E. Herschaft, D.D.S, Coll of Dent Med; Marcella T. Hickey, Coll of Nursing; *Beatrice A. Hicks, Public Safety; Karen Hiott, Outcomes Management; Joseph E. Hobby Jr., Plant Op and Maintenance; Gale E. Horinbein, Outcomes, Research, Devel; Mae Frances Jamison, Univ Housekeeping; Tariq Javed, D.M.D., Coll of Dent Med; Marsha Jordan Controller, Assist Treasurer; Mary L. Jordan, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; *Caroline S. Lawton, Univ Housekeeping; Laurie A. Martin, Path and Lab Med; William M. Matthew, VP for Development; Robert Lee McKensey, Dietetic Services; Linda Mohler, Ob/Gyn; Gary V. Paddock, Ph.D., Micro and Immun; Jane L. Parker, Controller, Assist Treasurer; Sandra B. Passailaigue, Pediatrics; Phyllis D. Petit, Clinical Serv; Deborah G. Reynolds, Coll of Dent Med; Deborah Richardson, Path and Lab Med; Gwendolyn M. Rogers, Children’s Serv; Sharon L. Roland, Radiology; Barbara N. Schmiedt, Otorhinolaryngology; James D. Sexauer, M.D., Psychiatry; Trudie A. Shingledecker, Path and Lab Med; William M. Simpson Jr., M.D., Family Med; Jackie H. Singleton, Public Safety; Jenifer J. Stone, Coll of Grad Studies; Susan C. Thigpen, Children’s Serv; Anne B. Tokarczyk Surgery; Charles Chi-Chih Tsai, M.D., Ob/Gyn; Donald Ned Tyner, South Carolina AHEC; Shelia W. Waring, Finance; Virginia G. Washington, Univ Housekeeping; Betty Mae Whaley, Path and Lab Med; Laurena W. White, General Med; Richard L. Wilson, Respiratory Therapy Jan Wrobleski, D.D.S., Ped Dentistry and Ortho

10 Years

Ian Aaronson, M.D., Ph.D., Urology; Patricia Sue Addison, Coll of Grad Studies; Thelma V. Aiken, Pediatrics; Shirley E. Allen, Radiology; Pamela Allison, Critical Care and Emerg Serv; Helen M. Alston, Div of Procurement; Wilford “Will” Amos, Physical Plant; Diane M. Anderson, Ph.D., Pediatrics; George W. Arana, M.D., COM, Psych /Behav Scs; Melinda K. Bailey, M.D., Anesthesiology; Elizabeth O. Barnwell, Otorhinolaryngology; Elizabeth M. Bear, Ph.D., Coll of Nursing; Kristi R. Beeks, CHP; Valerie Belanger, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Janis P. Bellack, Academic Affairs; Nabil Kaddis Bissada, M.D., Urology; Ann T. Blanton, IOP Patient Care Serv; Timothy D. Brewerton, M.D., Psych/Behav Scs; Elise Brown, Support Serv; W. A. Brzezinski, M.D., Dept of Med; Christopher Caloca, Physical Plant; Vera Pope Campbell, Heart Ctr; Nathalee M. Capers, Path and Lab Med; Evelyn Maloney Carlon, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Wallace J. Chamberlain, Physical Plant; Mary Ruth Chesshire, South Carolina AHEC; Sharon Clair, Psy/ Behav Scs; Kimberly Classen, Health Info Serv; Janelle H. Cochran, Clinical Centers; Carolyn E. Cochrane, Ph.D., Psy, Behav Scs; Jennifer Ann Colley, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Donna L. Cool, Risk Management; Louisa Freeman Cory, Dept of Med; Anne D. Cox, Office of Enrollment Serv; Priscilla Craven, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Sally Carol Crawford, MEDUCARE; Sherri C. Cumbee, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Paul M. Darden, M.D., Pediatrics; Miriam F. Deantonio, Psych and Behav Sciences; Linda Decoursey, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Pamela DeFratus, President’s Office; Anna White Delamar, Coll of Med; Consolacion N. Devera, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; James Richard Dick, Physical Plant; Neil K. Diez, Wellness Center; Cynthia S. Dominick, IOP Patient Care Serv; Lacey Kim Dorman, Crit Care and Emerg Serv; Rebecca G. Dring, Outcomes Management; John B. Dunbar, Dr.P.H., Bio and Epidemiology; Elizabeth Ann Dvorsak, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Michele G. Farthing, Children’s Serv; Mary S. Floyd, Dept of Med; Cheryl Franklin, Crit Care and Emerg Serv; David A. Frasier, Physical Plant; Christopher Gadsden, Public Safety; Darlene Gaffney, Therapeutic Serv; Thomas Neil Gallien, Dept of Med; Calvin Michael Gathers, Plant Op and Maint; Nancy M. Grant, Quality Management; Andree V. Grant Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf Kelly Greene Support Serv Linda Marie Grey Path and Lab Med Cathy E. Grigsby Children’s Serv Traysha Hackett Digestive Disease Ctr Richard Hagerty, M.D. Surgery Alethia Hall Critical Care, Emerg Serv Patricia T. Harmon Marketing Charles L. Harrison Physical Plant Rebecca C. Hayden Crit Care and Emerg Serv Sylvia Heard Path and Lab Med Craig Heinen Therapeutic Serv Vermelle Heyward Path and Lab Med Keith E. Hill Radiology J. R. Holmes Coll of Dent Med Thomas C. Hulsey, Sc.D. Pediatrics Joyce R. Ishmael Surgery Ruth G. Jenkins Family Med Clara S. Johnson Radiology Clotheal H. Johnson Otorhinolaryngology Vanessa G. Johnson Children’s Serv Dinnie M. Kem IOP Patient Care Serv Leslie Kendall Dept of Med Kristin L. Kennedy Critical Care, Emerg Serv Pamela A. King-Hartzell Dept of Med Cynthia A. Kovacs Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf Donna Lancaster Children’s Serv Harold A. Lancaster Critical Care, Emerg Serv Lisa M. Langdale Children’s Serv Linda C. Larimore Respiratory Therapy Jan A. Lay Family Med Faye J. LeBoeuf Ob/Gyn Barbara Annie Lee MEDUCARE Fu-Shing Lee Otorhinolaryngology Lonnie Long Physical Plant Robyn Lopez-White Digestive Disease Ctr Charlene Lowe Ctroller and Assist Treasurer Kathleen Macon Dietetic Serv Patricia Malchiodi Surg /Trauma Wom, Inf Nina C. Mariani Medical Univ Press Isaac James Mazyck Enviromental Serv Jeannie T. McCloud Pediatrics Linda K. McDaniel Digestive Disease Ctr Amenah McDougal Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf Marion C. McKinney IOP Patient Care Serv David McMakin Public Safety Edna McMillan Patient Financial Serv Donald R. Menick, Ph.D. Dept of Med Wanda Mick Plant Op and Maintenance Lecile Mizell IOP Patient Care Serv Cynthia Morris Health Information Services Margaret Murphy Path and Lab Med Lisa M. Murray Educational Serv Valerie T. Nesmith Path and Lab Med Ronald O. Nickel, Ph.D. Coll of Pharmacy Ruth K. Oser Dept of Med Richard V. Paul, M.D. Dept of Med Tondelayo Phillips Research Office Frankie Pinckney Physical Plant Walter E. Piper, Jr. Physical Plant David W. Ploth, M.D. Dept of Med Karen Pressley Support Serv Mary Frances Price Psych/Behav Scs Gloria B. Prosser Path and Lab Med Elizabeth Puckett, Dept of Psych/ Behav Scs; John R. Quintana, Radiology; John Ramsdell, Ph.D., Anatomy; Carol R. Rashbrook, Dept of Med; Jean R. Rhodes, Outcomes Management; Deanna L. Richard, Critical Care, Emerg Serv; Carol Roach, HRM; Elizabeth L. Robinson, Support Serv; Jacob G. Robison, Surgery; Katherine A. Robinson, Dept of Med; Adrian Rose, Physical Plant; Celestine J. Rouse, Path and Lab Med; Jay C. Royall, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Steven Russell, Med/Cardiology; Christine C. Scheub, Patient Financial Serv; Mariann T. Schulz, Dept of Med; Sally E. Self, M.D., Path and Lab Med; Susan Sellers, Health Information Services; Donna M. Sharp, Critical Care and Emer Serv; James Sikes, Critical Care and Emerg Serv; Gwendolyn C. Singleton, Div of Procurement; Beverly Jeane Smalls, Dietetic Serv; Darryl Smalls, Support Serv; Mary Louise Smalls, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Alison C. Smith, Lab Animal Resources; Jane L. Smith, Hospital Admin; Madlyn Legare Smith, Central Supply; Susan K. Smith, IOP Patient Care Serv; Thomasina Smith-Cook, Plant Op and Maint; Adam J. Smolka, Ph.D., Dept of Med; Susan Story, Controller, Assist Treasurer; Charlton Strange, M.D., Dept of Med; Sylvia J. Strickland, HRM; Judith T. Sturgis, Public Safety; Clarissa J. M. Talton, Radiology; Janice D. Taylor, Executive Medical Dir; Yvonne Taylor, Patient Financial Serv; David Tennyson, Physical Plant; Dorothy R. Thomas, Health Information Serv; Thomas R. Thorpe, Surgical Research; Jenny L. Turner, IOP, Patient Care Serv; Ronald B. Turner, M.D., Pediatrics; Susan Jane Vaughan, Physical Plant; Carolyn R. Washington, Critical Care, Emerg Serv; Patty F. Weathers, Neurology; Andrea W. White, CHP; Nancy White, Budget Office; Harriett B. Williams, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf Serv; Cornelia Williamson, Digestive Diseases; Jane Ragan Wilson, Surg/Trauma Wom, Inf; Joseph James Zealberg, M.D., Psych/ Behav Scs

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