Young stresses internal development in new book

“An outreach to women with the goal of improving their self- image” is how Hester Young, student program coordinator II, Department of Graduate Studies, describes her book “Women of Integrity-Book I.”

In her book, Young stresses the importance of self-reflection, growth and maturity in developing a sense of integrity. “Integrity is the powerful strength and freedom of knowing who you are . . . it is honesty in the truest form” She continues, “It is a known fact that people who hurt others are hurting themselves; it is very natural for them to look for external reasons for the pain, so they try to control and manipulate their environment and the people in their lives.” Unfortunately, in their quest for personal fulfilment and peace, people are disappointed because the internal issues have not been resolved.

According to Young, integrity is a lost value. In a world where people are desperate to succeed, and self-worth is compared with the accomplishments of others; the notion of honesty, deep sincerity and support of each other is slowly disappearing.

Young wants to impact that trend. Through her book and workshops she wants to encourage women to find out what their purpose and destiny in life are then pursue them. But, self-discovery takes time. Once women uncover their true identity, they will begin to realize that others cannot alter their destiny unless the women allow it.

Young does not want people to interpret this book as a “feel good” book; she views it as a book of opportunity. “Truth does not always make you feel good, but it does strengthen you” Women of Integrity originated as a series of community workshops but was put into book form because of the increased demands by local women’s groups. So far, the feedback has been very positive.

Subsequent books, “A Testimony of Love” and “Women of Integrity: Why We Hurt,” will be available in the spring and summer respectively. Women of Integrity-Book I is available through her workshops and through mail order. Inquiries may be directed to P.O. Box 2981 Summerville, S.C. 29484.

Young has been employed at MUSC for 17 years and been conducting confidence and esteem workshops during the past ten years. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Development from Southern Illinois University

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