MUSC docs named in Good Housekeeping Best Doctors for Women List

Dr. William T. Creasman

Dr. J. Peter Van Dorsten

Two MUSC physicians have been named by Good Housekeeping magazine in their listing of the countryâs best doctors for women. The list is printed in the August 1997 Good Housekeeping.

Dr. William T. Creasman is listed under the category of gynecologic oncologists; and Dr. J. Peter Van Dorsten, under perinatologists. Creasman is professor and chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; and Van Dorsten is vice chairman.

The 401 doctors on the list were found by surveying more than 260 department chairs and section chiefs in obstetrics and gynecology at major medical centers across the country. They were asked, "In your opinion, which specialists provide the most expert treatment and are the leading clinicians for diseases in women?" To eliminate bias, the doctors were not allowed to recommend anyone at their own institutions. From the more than 1,500 doctors named, Good Housekeeping culled the 401 cited most often.