Campus News


James A. Goodrich, DVM, assistant professor of comparative medicine, has been certified as a diplomate of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM). Certification as a specialist or diplomate of ACLAM is achieved by meeting standards of education and experience and passing comprehensive written and practical examinations. The ACLAM is a specialty board recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Membership consists of 587 active specialists in the field of laboratory animal medicine.


Joe Thompson, administrative manager for the College of Dental Medicine has, within the past year, been elected to three key community executive boards. In December 1996, he was elected to the Boy Scouts of America Executive Board for the Coastal Carolina Council as Council Training Chairman. Thompson was awarded scoutingās highest civilian recognition, the Silver Beaver, in 1995. In May 1997, he was elected to the University/College of Charleston Alumni Association Executive Committee and selected to serve as its membership chairman. He is responsible for coordinating the annual membership campaign and developing new and creative approaches to membership recruitment. In July 1997, Thompson was re-elected vice chairman of the Board for Community Pride, Inc. of Charleston County. PRIDE is a citizenās program dedicated to making every citizen, organization, business and government agency aware of the need for improvement of our environment. Thompson is also a member of the University Exchange Club and the Rotary Club of Charleston-Breakfast and is active in his church, St. Philipās Episcopal. College of Dental Medicine dean Dr. Richard DeChamplain says heās proud of Thompsonās recognition as a community leader.


MUSC's Lung Run will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 24, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Battery. Registration for the half-mile Fun Run is $5 and the entry form and fee must be postmarked by Sept. 17. For individuals wanting to run the two-mile race, the fee is $10 and also must be postmarked prior to Sept. 17. For more information, or to register, call 792-0398.


A Soccer Interest Meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 27, at James Island County Park Field. In lieu of offering soccer as an intramural sport, the MUSC Student Government Association will subsidize student registration fees ($12.50 per person) in the City of Charleston's soccer program. Typically, two men's and one women's team are entered in the fall league. Interested players must attend this meeting. Rain date will be on Sunday, Aug. 31 at Harmon Field. For more information, call 792-2693.

Safe at home? Lt. Bob Waite, MUSC Public Safety Office, will perform a free security evaluation in any MUSC student's house or apartment. Students will receive a written report and recommendations for improving their home's security. For more information, call 792-1070.

Intramural Flag Football Captain's Meeting will be held at 5:15 p.m. Sept. 2 in the Harper Student Center Auditorium. For information, call 792-2693.

The Charleston Symphony Orchestra returns to the horseshoe at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 15 for a free performance.

Waring Library Society to honor anniversary

Dr. Dale C. Smith

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Ioor Waring, M.D., the Waring Library Society invites the public to a lecture at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 5 in the Basic Sciences Auditorium.

ćThe Art is Longä: Dr. Waring, History and the Medical Profession, will be delivered by Dale C. Smith, Ph.D., interim chairperson and assistant professor, Department of Medical History, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD. Dr. Waring was the first director of the Waring Historical Library. He distinguished himself as a pediatrician, an editor and as a historian and writer. He served on the faculty of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina on a voluntary basis for 50 years and provided leadership on both the State and County Boards of Health.

MUSC Courtesy Cart service update

The MUSC Courtesy Cart service, provided by University Transportation Services and the Office of Parking Management, continues to operate in G lot with great success. The service is transporting more than 300 patients and visitors a day to and from all areas of G lot and various hospital and clinic destinations. Two carts are in service from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Anyone needing return service to G lot following an appointment or visit may call the Courtesy Cart dispatcher at 577-6960.

Any comments or suggestions for improvement in this service can be made to Melinda Anderson, director of the Office of Parking Management, 792-3665.

Submission of work to Humanities Committee

The Humanities Committee invites students, faculty and staff to submit artistic endeavors to be considered for inclusion in the second volume of Humanitas, the literary magazine of MUSC. Four categories of work will be considered: poetry, essays, photography and fiction. There is no preference or restriction regarding content.

The deadline for submission is Oct. 1. Please include a cover sheet with your name, MUSC affiliation, address and telephone number.

If you would like the piece returned include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Entries should be submitted to Carol Lancaster, 419 Administration/Library. For further information, contact Lancaster at 792-3212.