Julian McGill scholarship fund established

For 27 years, Julian McGill, Ph.D. has been an asset to the students of MUSCās College of Pharmacy. Even though he recently retired, his legacy of helping students will live on.

To both honor him and assist the students that were such an integral part of his career, McGillās family established a scholarship fund in his name for College of Pharmacy students.

ćI know heāll miss the students as much as anything,ä said Julianās wife Ann.

During his 27 years at the College of Pharmacy, McGill has served not only as an educator but as an advisor to numerous classes and as a member of the Student Activities Committee. In 1973, the pharmacy student body chose him as the first recipient of the Golden Mortar and Pestle Award, recognizing him as the professor who had contributed the greatest to the achievement of their goals in pharmacy education. He received this award again in 1985 and 1987 and was honored with the Studentās Choice Award in 1997.

McGill has also helped lead the collegeās efforts to promote higher education among middle school children through the Higher Education Awareness Program of the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. ćDr. McGill has gone above and beyond the call of duty for his students,ä said Dr. Johnnie L. Early II, dean of the College of Pharmacy. ćFor 27 years, he has assured that our students start their careers with a solid base of skills for the practice of pharmacy.ä McGill was appointed to the faculty of the College of Pharmacy in 1970 as an assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences. He was inducted into Rho Chi, the honorary pharmacy fraternity in 1971. He has held the rank of associate professor since 1976 and at one time served as acting chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Ann McGill, second from left, presents a check to pharmacy dean Dr. Johnnie L. Early II, in honor of Julian McGill, Ph.D. At right are McGill's children, Betsy and Doug.