BRL, Transgenic Facility core labs
hold open house
Open house was held recently for two newly
renovated core laboratories on the seventh floor of the Basic Science Building.
The Biotechnology Resource Laboratory (BRL), directed by Eleanor Spicer,
Ph.D., Scott Argraves, Ph.D., and the Transgenic Facility, headed by James
Norris, Ph.D., opened their doors to visitors interested in the basic research
services they offer. Core laboratories are equipped with sophisticated
scientific instruments and are staffed by trained lab personnel, who are
available to service the research needs of MUSC investigators.
The BRL offers nucleic acid analysis and protein chemistry analysis including protein sequencing and peptide synthesis. They also provide DNA sequencing, PCR quantitation and microsatellite analysis. The Transgenic Facility consists of one centralized work station to carry out the entire procedure for creating transgenic animals. Services provided by the facility include the generation of transgenic mice by pronuclear injection using vectors provided to the facility by the investigator. The Transgenic Facility is located adjacent to a 5,000-mouse housing facility using a ventilated cage system with each cage provided with laminar flow purified air and purified water.