databases offered at MUSC's library
by Maria Reinhardt, Reference Librarian Three new databases have been added to the suite of databases offered by the MUSC library. They are: Expanded Academic Index ASAP, Business and Company ProFile ASAP and General Reference Center. All databases are supplied by the Information Access Company (IAC) and can be accessed through its web-based SearchBank interface. The library already provides access to an IAC SearchBank database, Health Reference Center-Academic, as part of the consumer health services. Each database includes some full-text materials, including graphics and tables. Search results can be restricted to retrieve only the full-text materials from most databases. The library is able to offer these new databases under the auspices of DISCUS, Digital Information for South Carolina Users, a statewide project designed to provide access to selected databases for the entire population of South Carolina. This project is administered by the South Carolina State Library and funded for 1998 by the Federal Library Services and Technology Act. The statewide project includes all four databases. All South Carolina public and private higher education institutions, all South Carolina public library systems, and three South Carolina school districts will make these databases available to students, faculty and the general public. To search these databases, go to the MUSC library home page <>. Choose Medical Links and Databases, then select Databases. Select the desired database from the list. You can also go directly to the databases page by typing the following URL: <> Both options require that you be connected to the MUSC network; use of an alternate internet service provider will prevent use of these databases. Contact the reference desk at 792-2372 with any questions about connecting to or using these databases. Expanded Academic ASAP Expanded Academic ASAP offers balanced, full text coverage of every academic concentration--education, sociology, mathematics and history. It includes interdisciplinary journals, national news magazine and The New York Times. This database is useful to undergraduates, graduate students and faculty. Updated daily, Expanded Academic ASAP covers 1980 to the present in a current file and a backfile. The New York Times indexing covers the most recent six months. Business and Company ProFile ASAP Business and Company ProFile ASAP includes business and management journals, popular business magazines, local area journals, trade journals and newspapers as well as full text company profiles and PR Newswire releases. The Wall Street Journal is indexed as well as the business and finance sections of The New York Times and The Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times indexing covers the most current year. The Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly covers the most recent six months. PR Newswire full text and indexing is retained for 30 days. General Reference Center The General Reference Center database provides access to general magazine and newspaper articles as well as the full text of selected almanacs, encyclopedias and reference books. Additionally, maps and historical images are included. The reference books that are included are the current editions. Magazine indexing extends back to 1980. The full text of the Knight-Riddler/Tribune News Service articles for the current 24 months is included. Also available is the indexing of The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal for the current two months. Health Reference Center Academic Health Reference Center Academic involves materials from consumer oriented and professional health periodicals, pamphlets published by professional and government organizations, a medical dictionary, medical directories and other reference books. The database covers four years plus the current year and is updated daily. |
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