October 15, 1998
I am pleased to announce that the MUSC Medical Center was honored last
week by the National Research Corporation (NRC) by being named a 1998 Quality
Leader along with co-winner Roper Hospital. The NRC annually recognizes
the facilities most preferred by consumers for overall health care services
based on a nationally syndicated study of nearly 170,000 households. The
study compiles households’ perspectives on health plans, physicians, medical
care, health systems, hospitals and communities’ health status. The announcement
will be featured in the Oct. 12 edition of Modern Healthcare.
At the recent Board of Trustees meeting the Strategic Plan, including
restructuring options, was approved in principle. The Board commended our
planning efforts. Now the challenge will begin with implementation of the
In regard to restructuring options, we are committed to open and continuous
communication with employees. We have done a lot of homework in looking
into how other leading academic health centers have restructured. While
the decision making process concerning restructuring will be lengthy, we
intend to ensure for the best interests of all Medical Center employees
while fulfilling our institutional goals. I will discuss the restructuring
options more at our next communications meeting.
W. Stuart Smith, Interim Vice President for
Clinical Operations Interim CEO, MUSC Medical Center
Paging System Upgrade
- Jane Lunn, manager, Hospital Communications, announced an upcoming
paging system upgrade. It will be a two night process on October 22 and
23 beginning at 8 p.m. and ending at approximately 4 a.m. The communications
system will be completely out of service for directory assistance and routine
paging during these time periods. It is important to communicate to Simon
System users that alphamate and PC based paging will not function during
the outage. Operators will have limited capability to send urgent/emergent
clinical pages on the back-up paging system during this time. Everyone
is encouraged to be creative in establishing alternative options for locating
telephone numbers and communicating with colleagues. Overhead paging will
be available for in-house paging, but will be limited to minimize disturbance
to patients. Portable radios will be available for any care providers who
have a need to be in continuous contact with a particular unit/colleague.
ADA Resource Manual
- Susan Carullo, manager, Employment, Compensation and Employee Relations
for Medical Center Human Resources, announced the upcoming distribution
of a new resource manual which outlines the physical requirements to be
included on position descriptions as required by the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) and Department of Labor. The MUSC Department of Human Resources
Management engaged the services of Rothaermel Associates, Inc., to conduct
an objective assessment of physical requirements of jobs to prepare the
- The manuals are being distributed to business officers. The purpose
of the manuals is to help with the ease of administration and ensure compliance
with ADA.
- The manual includes more than 100 comprehensive listings of physical
requirements for a wide range of jobs. The appropriate listing must either
be included in the verbiage of a position description or a copy of the
listing may be attached to the position description. If you have variations
from these descriptions or need clarification, please contact either Susan
Carullo at 792-1684 or Eric Frisch at 792-7908. Additional details will
be issued to managers soon.
Nursing License Renewals
- Carullo advised that nursing license renewals were mailed out by the
State Board of Nursing in October. She requests that each unit collect
its nursing licenses and forward two copies to the Nurse Recruitment office
by Jan. 15, 1999. Please remember to keep a copy for your unit files.
Ambulatory Care Services’ New Home
- The Ambulatory Care Services Administration offices previously located
in rooms 110 and 106 of the Clinical Sciences Building have moved to 136
Rutledge Avenue, across from Rutledge Tower. The Ambulatory Care Services
Administrative Services offices previously located at 26 Bee Street have
also moved to this new location. The new address is: Ambulatory Care Services
136 Rutledge Avenue, Ste. 200, P.O. Box 250577, Charleston, SC 29425 (843)
876-1360 (843) 876-1358
Reminder - Clinics Open On Election Day
- Dave Neff, administrator, Ambulatory Care Services, reminded the management
team that the clinics will be open on Tuesday, Nov. 3, which is Election
Information Management Survey
- Christine Lewis, manager, Coding and Record Processing in Health Information
Services, announced an upcoming information management survey which will
be conducted during the Oct. 27 Communications meeting.
- Lewis explained that completion of the annual survey is needed to fulfill
Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
standards. Lewis encouraged managers and directors to obtain a copy of
the Information Management Plan, if they haven’t already, to familiarize
themselves with last year’s survey results (see appendix in Plan). Copies
of the Information Management Plan are available through Vivian Gettys
at 792-7688.
- Anyone who wishes to see the survey prior to the Oct. 27 communications
meeting or who is unable to attend the meeting can receive it via E-mail.
Contact Susan Sellers of Health Information Services by E-mail (sellerss)
or by calling 792-3863.
Cost Accounting
- Donna Johnson, manager, Fiscal Services, introduced David Reynolds,
Decision Support Analyst, who reported on the improved cost accounting
system process which is supported by the Trendstar decision support system.
The cost accounting system will enable departments to better measure and
quantify expense and resource utilization, thus allowing for improved management
of operating costs.
- Reynolds briefly outlined the system and its capabilities. Reports
detailing costs at the procedure level may be produced to categorize and
analyze costs for many categories of patient and procedure groupings.
- Reynolds is available to meet with departments or individuals to review
reports in detail and answer any questions. He can be contacted at 792-1701.