diets may be harmful to health, wallet
by Audra Latham, Clinical Dietitian They're everywhere...fad diets. Literally hundreds of ads and programs promising ultra-fast weight loss for an ultra-high price. That cost may be damaging to your wallet and even worse, harmful to your health. You've heard the saying, “If it sounds to good to be true...” Unfortunately, people are looking for magical solutions to the problem of excess weight. Fad diets present simple plans that may actually work short term. As we all know, the pounds inevitably return, with interest, and your health may be compromised in the process. Fad diets come and go but balanced nutrition is always the in-thing to do! Find another plan if the diet:
What to choose? Go for success. Consider the programs that recommend and facilitate:
For some information of common fad diets, click onto the following websites: Nutrition Action Healthletter <www.cspinet.org/nah/zone.html; American Heart Association <www.healthfinder.org/smartchoices/fraud/quack.htm; Good Housekeeping <http://homearts.com/gh/health/07nutrfl.htm> For nutrition information, check out the American Dietetic Association website <www.eatright.org> or set up an appointment with the Wellness Center dietitian at 792-4143. Students and members of the Wellness Center receive a 33 percent discount. |
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