GI docs visit Digestive Disease Center
Members of the Dutch gastroenterologists visit with Dr Peter Cotton and Dr. Rob Hawes. A group of 10 Dutch gastroenterologists recently spent four days visiting MUSC’s Digestive Disease Center as part of a continuing international program designed to observe and discuss innovative techniques, treatment and care of patients with digestive diseases. The team is the second of four groups of Dutch specialists involved in an educational program directed by Peter Cotton, M.D., director of the Digestive Diseases Center and assistant dean of International Affairs, and Rob Hawes, M.D., chief of Endoscopy. The visits are sponsored by an educational grant from Holland-based ASTRA Pharmaceuticals. Presentations in new gastrointestinal (GI) imaging technologies through spiral computed tomography (CT) scans and virtual endoscopy procedures were given by Clive Kay, M.D., Department of Radiology. Ted Trus, M.D., Department of Surgery, provided information on the latest developments in minimally invasive surgery or laparoscopy. Faculty from the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology discussed the latest techniques in endosocpic intervention as it relates to pancreatic and biliary disease and GI cancer. The group observed live case demonstrations featuring many of these techniques and methods. They also reviewed actual cases from Holland with their American counterparts. Mark Payne., M.D., chief of GI Clinical Affairs, and Rob Merenbloom, vice chairman, Department of Medicine, led a comparative discussion regarding the business of medicine focusing on the United States and Holland. The Dutch contingent was accompanied by Kees Huibregtse, M.D., a world-renowned gastroenterologist, who worked with the DDC and assisted in preparations for another teaching exchange involving American gastroenterologists. In addition to their work, the group was able to spend some leisure time touring the Charleston area which included a boat cruise around Charleston harbor. The international collaborative exchange is coordinated through the Office of International Programs and the university’s International Affairs Committee. It is the goal of international programs to effectively coordinate and track international exchanges and other foreign-related efforts on campus. For information on international exchanges, contact Emily Brown at 792-2623. |
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