to teach teachers
Three Charleston area high/middle school teachers will spend the summer in research laboratories at MUSC through the Frontiers in Physiology Program. Sponsored by American Physiological Society, the program is a national effort designed to improve science education by building connections between secondary school teachers and the research community. The participating teachers will share what they learn with other science teachers throughout the region. The program is extremely competitive, according to George Tempel, Ph.D., professor of physiology at MUSC. “The teacher and the investigator worked cooperatively to apply for the award.” Tempel is the local liaison for the American Physiological Society, and worked closely with the teachers, assisting them in obtaining the grants. Teachers scheduled to participate in the summer of 1998 will be Jean Richardson, Summerville High School; Rebecca Strong, Laing Middle School; and Andrew Cohen, Trident Academy. Richardson will be working with George Cooper, M.D., director of the Gazes Cardiac Research Institute; Strong, with Dr. Louis E. Burnett, an adjunct professor of Marine Biomedical and Environmental Sciences Program; and Cohen, with Richard Schmiedt, Ph.D., professor of Otolaryngology & Communicative Sciences. |
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