Project Noah docks at MUSC

Here in Charleston, we’re used to seeing ships come and go in the harbor...

But the one that arrived in the Children’s Hospital last week is a little different (and a little smaller). Noah’s Arc, complete with pairs of stuffed animals of every shape and size was presented to the Children’s Hospital on Thursday, April 30 by the Charleston Chapter of Hadassah.

Project Noah was developed by past chapter president Ellen Steinberg and project chairman Terry B. Fisher as a way to honor Israel’s 50th anniversary.

Just as Noah’s Ark and the establishment of Israel represent new beginnings for the Jewish people, the Children’s Hospital represents new beginnings for the children of South Carolina.

“The ark also represents what the Children’s Hospital is all about - courage,” Fisher said. “ Noah, who had the courage of his convictions to build an ark and collect animals, and the Jewish people who had the courage of their convictions to build the State of Israel, it took the courage of one's convictions to build this hospital. And the courage that is displayed here everyday is nothing short of inspiring.”

The 4 ½-by-5 ½ foot wooden ark was built by carpenter Craig Hocker with materials donated by Hughes Lumber. Mt. Pleasant artist Carol Lund painted the ark with supplies provided by Bird Paint. The ark was then filled to the gills with pairs of new stuffed animals collected at Synagogue Emanu-El, Brith Sholom-Beth Israel Synagogue, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Temple, the Jewish Community Center and Toys ‘R Us.

“We wanted a project that would continue to connect the community to the Children’s Hospital,” Fisher said. “A way to enable any civic organization, church, synagogue, or school to take on a service project that would connect them to the Children’s Hospital.”

Children’s Hospital patients will receive an animal to keep, and the ark will remain at the Children’s Hospital where people may continue to refill it.

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