Senate needs your input July 7
Department Chairperson Evaluation Suggested rating scale: The chair performed each of the activities below in the following manner:
A. Leadership/Communication Skills: 1. Acts promptly and decisively. 2. Is accessible. 3. Communicates clearly. 4. Is respectful of the ownership of individual faculty members ideas and work. B. Planning and goal-setting: 5. Shows sound judgment in making decision 6. Builds linkages between the department and outside individuals, groups and organizations 7. Involves faculty in planning and decision making, including budget and appointments. 8. Leads with vision in developing plans for achieving department goals. C. Division of work and evaluation of performance: 9. Distributes department tasks fairly and realistically among faculty. 10. Assumes an appropriate share of the department workload. 11. Gives clear and consistent messages to faculty about expectations for performance. D. Strengthening and supporting departmental missions: Teaching: 12. Stimulates quality and innovative teaching. 13. Appreciates and rewards faculty for teaching. 14. Allocates appropriate resources, including time, to teaching. Research: 15. Stimulates research and scholarly activity within the department. 16. Appreciates and rewards faculty research activity. 17. Allocates appropriate resources, including time, to research. Clinical Service: 18. Appreciates and rewards faculty for clinical service. 19. Allocates appropriate resources for clinical service. 20. Protects faculty from excess demands of clinical service. E. Support of Faculty interaction and inclusiveness: 21. Applies policy consistently and without personal bias, including salary matters. 22. Effectively promotes cooperation among faculty. 23. Treats faculty, staff and students with dignity and respect. 24. Maintains faculty morale by preventing or resolving conflicts. F. Faculty development: 25. Serves as a role model and mentor to faculty. 26. Facilitates the professional development of each faculty member. 27. Allocates resources to support faculty enrichment. 28. Assigns work taking into account individual professional goals of faculty. G. Management of budget and resources: 29. Manages the department budget effectively and fairly. 30. Involves faculty in discussions of budget and resources. 31. Provides adequate departmental clerical and staff support. Narrative Questions: 1. What are the strengths of this administrator? 2. What are the areas needing improvement for this administrator? 3. What specific recommendations do you have to improve the performance of this administrator? 4. On a scale of 5 (high) to 1 (low) how would you rate this administrator in terms of overall effectiveness? 5. On a scale of 5 (high) to 1 (low), what is your level of enthusiasm for the con- tinuance/reappointment of this administrator? Proposed Process Organization A. Annual survey forms: 1. Survey forms completed each year by faculty at the same time as faculty evalua tions/contracts. 2. Tabulated results will be transmitted to each chair and appropriate dean with copies to the faculty involved. B. Three year formal review: 1. Copies of the past three annual survey results will be transmitted to the dean. 2. The dean will summarize the faculty evaluation and prepare his analysis with recommendations for areas of change. 3. The dean sends his recommendations to the chair; and a letter to the faculty with his evaluations and recommendations. C. Mechanisms and confidentiality: 1. The chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee of the Senate is responsible for managing the process. 2. Names of departments will be coded by unique numbers by educational services. The Encryption code will be kept by the Senate Chair. Only the department code number will appear on the rating form. Rating forms will be returned in sealed envelopes signed by the faculty member. Tallies will be made of # of returned forms. Then the committee will separate the rating sheets by group and destroy the envelopes. 3. Survey forms will be distributed and tallied by educational services. 4. The Faculty Affairs Committee is designated to sort the results by chair # and prepare packets for distributing the results to the chair and faculty of that department. (Senate chair then manages decoding.) |
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