of Team-in-Training raffle announced
Following are the winners of the Leukemia Society of America Team-in-Training raffle: Blossom Cafe, Gwen Sezginalp; Sermet's Corner, Anne Copeland; Bleeker Street Bagelry, Alfreda Jones; Zebo's Restaurant, Scott Smith; Cumberland's Grill, Sammye Latten; Southend Brewery, Carolyn Gadsden; Vickery's, Dot Ellis; Sushi Hiro, Harold Pierre; and Jestine's Kitchen, Brucella Roberts. The drawing was held on Friday, June 19. The raffle raised $100 towards the $3,500 Rina Hooper and Lynn Babyak, College of Medicine students and Team-in-Training members, each pledged to the Leukemia Society. Hooper and Babyak completed the 26.2 mile Midnight Sun Run in Alaska on June 20. To claim your prize, call Hooper or Babyak at (843) 853-9183. |
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