donations improved; Red Cross still needs you
by Eileen Smith, Blood Services, Southeast Region The American Red Cross Blood Services, Southeast Region's emergency appeal for blood donations in Charleston and Myrtle Beach has seen some improvement. Some important blood types, like O positive, have risen above critical inventory levels presently, with the help of donors who answered the emergency call. The potential for the supply to dip far below critical in the next week remains a very real possibility based on hospital usage and the decline in the public's attention to the issue of giving blood. Donations are still needed, even after the Fourth of July weekend, and on into the rest of the summer months to maintain a safe, adequate supply level. The media has been of great help in alerting donors to give blood to support their communities. That support must become a long range commitment by donors. New donors will be an essential part of the recovery and maintenance of the blood supply available to the communities in the region. Regular donors are the backbone of the blood supply, but new and infrequent donors, who will make the commitment to give on a regular basis, will ensure that emergency appeals will not repeat themselves. Please continue to give the gift of life at your donor center or blood drive. Patients depend on you. So do your loved ones, co-workers and neighbors. To be eligible to give blood, you must be 17 years of age or older (no upper age limit) and weigh at least 110 pounds. Donors can give blood every 56 days. |
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