education institute premieres in Charleston
About 52 South Carolina high school and middle school teachers have converged on the College of Charleston's Lightsey Conference Center to participate in the state's Teachers' Environmental Education Institute (TEEI), a premiere environmental training program from July 13-24. The program, designed to introduce educators to environmental topics, legislation and curriculum development is sponsored by MUSC's Environmental Hazards Assessment Program (EHAP), South Carolina State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Region IV). The program is the result of an EPA grant submitted through MUSC. "The program is targeted to science, social science and interested teachers who want to make an impact," said David Rivers, EHAP manager at MUSC. The group is scheduled to hear presentations from various federal, state and local environmental representatives, attend field trips to a waterworks plant and other sites, plus tour the MUSC campus. Similar programs were introduced successfully for other statewide educators in Georgia and Maryland. |
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