service excellence program to be offered
MUSC's College of Health Professions is again offering its training-the-trainer program, “Creating customer service: Developing service leaders to guide your health care organization toward improved customer satisfaction.” This program is held on Oct. 5 and 6 at the Charleston Harbor Hilton Resort at Patriots Point in Charleston. Creating Customer Service offers a cost effective model for easy modification and implementation in a unique health care organization. In these times of continued reorganization, partnerships, and mergers, attention is being focused on the quality of service and caring that your organization or system is providing. In fact, your distinction in providing service excellence may be all that stands between you and another health care provider. If providing and improving service excellence is what sets you apart, consider this exceptional program that will help you refocus your service goals and aid toward attaining your organization's mission. The first registrant (at $475) receives a comprehensive participant manual, master set of training materials, including handouts and case studies, and a facilitator's guide with your choice of camera-ready copy of note pages and overhead masters or 3 1/2" computer disk in PowerPoint software (Windows 95 or Macintosh format). Additional registrants (at $325 each) receive the facilitator's materials and a participant manual. A variety of organizations have sent core service leader teams to plan the design and implementation of the program at their individual institutions. Individuals or teams from institutions may attend. Elizabeth Ricciardone, associate professor and director of the Division of Continuing Professional Education, is a program presenter. Ricciardone has been recognized as an outstanding teacher and has extensive experience in multidisciplinary training in the areas of customer service, supervisory and staff development, instructional design and evaluation, and career and professional development. She is a qualified Myers-Briggs facilitator and has consultation experience with a variety of health care professional organizations and disciplines. She was awarded the American Healthcare radiology Administrator's 1995 Sudbury Creative Management Award for the article she co-authored titled “Preparing Radiology Staff to Meet Service Goals: A Training Model.” This model is the basis for the Creative Customer Service core training model. Patty Slay, assistant professor (adjunct) in the Division of Health Professions Education, is the co-presenter. She is currently employed by Oconee Memorial Hospital as the administrative director of radiology services. Slay is frequently asked to speak to civic and professional organizations on her favorite subjects of humor in the workplace and job enrichment. She was the 1995 recipient of the Tribute to Women in Industry Award and was an active member of the Columbia leadership training program. She was previously chosen to lead Province Hospital in the development of a customer service awareness and training program. Leading a multi-disciplinary task force, she used internal resources to reach the goal of facilitating interesting, stimulating sessions for all employees that would help move them from good to excellent customer service. For additional information about this program or lodging needs, call the Office of Continuing Professional Development at 792-3777 or 1-800-651-2926. |
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