Faculty Senate meeting minutes, Jan. 5

Faculty wishing to express comments about the meeting minutes or other concerns should e-mail the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (facsen@musc.edu) or call the Faculty Senate Office at 792-7862. Past meeting minutes are located on the senate website at <http://www.musc.edu/facsen>.

Tuesday, Jan. 5

Minutes taken by Faculty Senate secretary, Debbie Carson, College of Pharmacy.

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Adrian Reuben at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 5. A quorum was established and the agenda approved as well as approval of the December minutes.

Executive Committee Report:

Reuben reported that the revised College Appointment, Promotions, and Tenure Committee proposal had been reviewed by the provost and was to be discussed at the next Dean’s Council which is scheduled for Jan. 11. He also reported that the Faculty Handbook revisions were still being reviewed by the provost.

Reuben reported that the Ad Hoc committee to review the Appointment and Promotion of Women Faculty will consist of Dr. Deborah Carson, Dr. DeAnna Cheek, Dr. Eleanor Spicer, and Dr. Susan Tate. The Executive Committee had some discussion as to whether this committee should also include a review of minority faculty. It was decided not to include this task for the time being; however, the executive committee felt that the review of appointment and promotion of minority faculty needed to be addressed in the near future.

Reuben asked that other faculty interested in participating in the review of women faculty contact Carson. Since the committee currently consists of women, there is a particular need to have male faculty join the committee. The first meeting of this ad hoc committee will be Jan. 6. Reuben again requested that senators promote the role of the Senate within their own units and make sure faculty know about the “free speech” options during the regular Senate meetings.

Academic Affairs Committee Report:

The College Appointment, Promotions, and Tenure Committee Proposal revision is to be reviewed by the Dean’s Council later this month.

University Affairs Committee Report:

A draft of a document aimed at standardizing the procedure related to changing the terms of appointment for non-tenured faculty was presented to the full Senate for discussion only. Senators offered comments regarding strengthening criteria for reducing terms of appointments, clarification of faculty eligible for protection under the guidelines (i.e. length of employment), and appropriate faculty input into the decision. Some senators felt that legal consultation may also be needed.

The Governance Committee has been charged with creating a new procedure for selecting a senate chair such that continuity will be enhanced from year to year within the Senate.

The Faculty Affairs Committee had nothing to report.

Other announcements:

Issues for consideration at future meetings were raised including sick leave policy for clinical faculty who receive funding from various resources.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m.

The next meeting will be Feb. 2, beginning at 7:45 a.m.

Quarterly Attendance Report:

Attendance is credited if an alternate senator appeared in place of a full senate member at that member’s request.

This report is based on the roll call taken at meetings in October, November, and December 1998:

College of Dental Medicine Cynthia Hardin, 1/3; Luis Leite, 3/3; Jon Rampton, 3/3; Michael Tabor, 1/3

College of Health Professions Thierry Bacro, 3/3; Deborah Keil, 2/3; David Ward, 1/3; Andrea White, 3/3

College of Medicine—Basic Sciences Daniel Knapp, 3/3; Harry Margolius, 3/3; Kathryn Meier, 2/3; Eleanor Spicer, 3/3; Jerry Webb, 3/3

College of Medicine—Clinical Sciences Byron Bailey, 3/3; Prabhakan Baliga, 2/3; Peter Carek, 1/3; Patrick Flume, 2/3; Melisa Holmes, 1/3; Florence Hutchison, 0/3; Sherron Jackson, 0/3; Charles Kellner, 3/3; Janice Key, 3/3; Lyndon Key, 2/3; Maria Lopez-Virella, 1/3; Leslye Pennypacker, 0/3; David Ploth, 1/3; Paul Pritchard, 0/3; Adrian Reuben, 3/3; Susan Tate, 2/3; Sally Webb, 1/3; James Zellner, 1/3

College of Nursing Elizabeth Huggins, 2/3; Francine Margolius, 2/3; Kelly Mayo, 1/3; Yvonne Michel, 3/3

College of Pharmacy Deborah Carson, 3/3; Jason Cooper, 3/3; Sandra Garner, 1/3; Jean Nappi, 2/3

Library Science & Informatics Elizabeth Connor, 3/3; Margaret Mauldin, 3/3; Joann F. Sullivan, 3/3; Donald Tyner, 3/3

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