Faculty Senate meeting minutes, Jan. 11
Basic Sciences: Dan Knapp, Harry Margolius, Katherine Meier, Philip Privitera, Jerry Webb Clinical Sciences: Linda Austin, Peter Carek, James Carter, Dennis Cope, Mark George, Tom Gettys, Leonie Gordon, Mark Lyles, Janice Key, Lyndon Key, Adrian Reuben Dental Medicine: Luis Leite, Jon Rampton Health Professions: Gail Pashek, David Ward, Andrea White Library and Informatics: Bobbie Carlson, Elizabeth Connor, Peggy Schachte, Jeannie Ariail Nursing: Francine Margolius, Elaine Amella, Sally Stroud Pharmacy: Deborah Carson, Jason Cooper, Kurt Lorenz, Ann Spencer Staff: Vivian Hall, administrative assistant to the Faculty Senate Reuben introduced Vivian Hall as the new administrative assistant to the Faculty Senate. She will be contributing 50 percent of her time and is located in room 200-D of the Administration/Library Building, and can be reached at 792-0631. Dr. Ed Conradi’s presentation to discuss a new research compliance policy has been postponed due to illness. Conradi will present at a later time. The latest version of the terms of appointment document was distributed to the Senate for review. The document has been reviewed by the Deans’ Committee and approved. Knapp made a motion to accept the latest revision of the terms of appointment document. Motion seconded and passed. There was extensive feedback during the discussion on faculty salary increases (section 9.3) and the unfair execution of the current policy. Several faculty members expressed frustration with not being evaluated and lack of funds for increases. Other faculty members stated that the current formula penalizes junior faculty and senior faculty alike; faculty should not be excluded from cost of living increases for state employees; and the impracticalities of implementing salary increases when salaries come from multiple sources. Feedback from this discussion will go to Andrea White, chair, Faculty Affairs Committee. Reuben also suggested convening a committee of newcomers and those familiar with previous discussions to address these concerns. The faculty retreat scheduled for Feb. 8 has been postponed until March. Reuben suggested that the issues regarding salary increases be the topic of discussion. Reuben informed the senate that he has been in contact with Dr. Greenberg concerning the financial problems of the university. He suggested the committee provide, in writing, descriptions of specific incidences they have experienced, i.e,. orders rejected due to lack of payment, credit card rejections, bills not paid in a timely fashion, etc., and Reuben will submit this information to the new provost. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 7:45 am.