October is designated at SIDS Awareness Monthby Susan ChewningCharleston County Coroner When my children were infants, I would wake during the night, walk to their cribs and watch for the rise and fall of their tiny chests. I would wait for a hand or foot to move, sometimes almost awakening them, for further confirmation that they were really okay. Why such concern about my infants, especially sleeping infants? It was because of my fear of “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,” also known as SIDS. Remember SIDS is that mysterious, unexplained, devastating beast that steals infants from their parents every year for no apparent reason. Even though medical researchers have not discovered a cause for SIDS we have identified certain risk factors associated with these infant deaths. The Charleston County Coroner’s Office would like to educate parents, grandparents, and child care providers about the risk factors we wee in Charleston County. The most common risk factors seen in SIDS in Charleston County are:
Place your healthy baby on his/her back to sleep.
Make sure your baby sleeps on a firm mattress or other firm surface.
Create a smoke free zone around the baby.
Do not place infants in adult beds to sleep.
Avoid “bed-sharing” otherwise known as “co-sleeping.”
During the past few months there has been an increase in the number of infant deaths in Charleston County. There is nothing more horrifying than having to talk to a new mom and dad about the death of their baby. As a mom, I look in their eyes and realize that this could have been me. I am lucky, as no one told me about these risk factors when my children were infants and I never experienced the tragedy of SIDS. Editor's note: Bobbi Jo Neal, deputy coroner, contributed to the article.