You have the power to dream, grow, build and healTrident United Way
Mr./Mrs./Ms.:___________________________________Home Phone:_________________________ SS#:______________________Department__________________Work Phone:___________ Home Address:_______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:____________Zip:_____________ YES! I want to make a difference with my community care gift!
My gift of $1,000 or more qualifies me for membership in the Palmetto Society. Please list me in the Palmetto Society roster as _________________________________________________ _____ I would like information on including Trident United Way in my estate plans. Thank You Fax pledge form to 792-7980 or campus mail to TUW/Office of Development, 268 Calhoun St., Sebring-Aimar House, P.O. Box 250182. Dear MUSC, UMA, CFC Member,
We are fortunate to have an agency that shares our wish for a healthier, happier community: the Trident United Way. We cannot overstate the importance of the United Way to the Charleston area. It touches peoples' lives every day in so many ways—promoting health and healing, increasing self sufficiency, nurturing young people, strengthening families and supporting senior citizens. But it can't do any of these things without strong public support. As one of the larger employers in the area, the MUSC/UMA/CFC alliance can have a significant impact on the services provided by the United Way this coming year. By now, you should have received materials regarding the 1999 Trident United Way campaign. We hope you have had an opportunity to review these materials and will consider joining your fellow MUSC/UMA/CFC employees in making at investment in our community. Working together, we can make a very real, very meaningful difference in people's lives right here in the Lowcountry. Thank you for all you do on behalf of our community and state. With best personal regards,
Howard A. Evert, M.D.
James B. Edwards, DMD
Marion E. Woodbury