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Service Awards, 1999
1999 Retirees
Mildred W. Ackerman, Clinical Serv; Warren Y. Adkins
Jr, M.D., Otolaryngology; Eleanor V. Aimar, Clinical Serv; Beverly
B. Birkhimer, Dept of Psychiatry; John G. Blackburn, Ph.D., Physiology;
J. D. Blair, Public Safety; *Chris Brown, Env Serv; Dorothy E. Brown, Central
Supply; Eve W. Brown, Path/Lab Med; *Octavia E. Brown, Central Supply;
*Arthur L. Bryant Sr., Engineering/Facilities; *Barbara F. Calvary, Env
Serv; *Alfreda M. Capers, Central Supply; Mark M. Campbell, MEDUCARE; Marion
Champaign, Physical Plant; Brenda L. Clark, Coll of Med; Nellie L. M. Clark,
Family Med; Ruth N. Close, Clinical Serv; Edith D. Craft, Dept of Psychiatry;
Janice L. Davis, Dietetic Serv; Thad Davis, Biomedical Engineering; Carolyn
Doctor-Green, Clinical Serv; John Dunbar, DMD, Biometry/Epidemiology; Evelyn
B. Duncan, Clinical Serv; Blanche L. Durant, UMA Agency Fund; *Althea S.
Edwards, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; James B. Edwards, DMD, Office of President;
Katherine D. Epper, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Zeneida N. Espiritu, Clinical
Serv; *Fayne Fesperman, Hosp Fiscal Serv; *Florence H. Fields, Clinical
Serv; Sarah G. Finkelstein, Path/Lab Med; Elizabeth W. Frazier, Anesthesiology;
Abraham Gethers, Env Serv; *Mary M. Gibbs, Clinical Serv; *Emma V. Gilliard,
Dietetic Serv; *Inez C. Gilliard, Children’s Serv; Willi J. Glee, JD, Office
of Diversity; *Lottie Mae R. Glover, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; *Jan P. Goldson,
Harper Student Ctr; Walter Goodson, Office of Diversity; *Arthur L. Grant,
Physical Therapy; *Corrine B. Grant, Dept of Psychiatry; Martha R. Grant,
Clinical Serv; John C. Griffiths, M.D., Path/Lab Med; Cathy E. Grigsby,
Clinical Serv; Judith W. Gross, Ph.D., Coll of Nursing; John A. Gross,
M.D., Neurology; Sue Jane Harmon, Coll of Med; Rosemary Hartnett
UMA Agency Fund; Thomas M. Hicks Sr., Information Technology; Jafar Hoomani,
Ph.D., CHP; Betty Anne Huggins, Urology; Arthur C. Hutson Jr., M.D., Family
Med; Patricia E. Jackson, Clinical Serv; Teresa M. Jefferson, Central Supply;
Roger Dale Jennings, Public Safety; *Doris G. Jones, Univ Housekeeping;
Patricia D. Jones, Dietetic Serv; *Ethel D. Judge, Clinical Serv; Thomas
A. Kirkland, M.D., Urology; Dorace T. Lackey, Hosp Patient Accounting;
Kathryn L. Leitch, HR Mgt; Leroy F. Major Jr., Env Serv; *Madeleine L.
Manuel, Ophthalmalogy; Emma Mendoza, Pediatrics; Jovan Milutinovic, M.D.,
Med; Frances W. Mims, Ob/Gyn; Sybil F. Moore, Pharmacology; Estelle A.
W. Mungin, Radiology; Emma Sue Murner, Med; Deborah F. Nelson, Clinical
Serv; Gladys W. Nelson, Clinical Serv; William Newberry Jr. M.D., Academic
Affairs; Paul J. Niebergall, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sci; Eleanor O’Neill,
Quality Utilization Mgt; Orena F. Owen, Quality Utilization Mgt; E. Page
Pendergrass, Coll of Med; *Doris E. Pollins, Clinical Serv; *Ella M. Porter,
Env Serv; Sandra H. Poulnot, Quality Utilization Mgt; William M. Rambo
Sr, M.D., Gen Surgery; *Jan C. Renaud, Ob/Gyn; Percile L. Richardson, Clinical
Serv; *Dorothy M. Scott, Physical Therapy; Cherry D. Seabrook, Radiation
Oncology; *Andrew James Simmons, Env Serv; Lavinia Simmons-Bowman, Env
Serv; Beverly H. Shields, Dept of Psychiatry; Oclelia M. Smalls, Hosp Communications;
Elena P. Smith, Path/Lab Med; *June D. Smith, CHP; *Shirley A. Smith, Sterile
Processing; Kathleen C. Sottile, Ped Cardiology; Gail M. Stewart, Path/Lab
Med; *Anthony J. Strelkauskas, Ph.D., Micro/Immuno; *Ronald
O. Taylor, Physiology; Opal W. Tobias, Quality Improv/Perform Mgt; *Judith
G. Trumbull, Coll of Dent Med; Ernest T. Tumbleston, Physical Plant; Mary
Vanderhorst, Clinical Serv; Charles T. Wallace, M.D.,
Anesthesiaology; Walter Watson Jr, Harper Student Ctr; Edith “Carolyn”
White, Anesthesiology; Albertha B. Williams, Env Serv;
Charlotte Wilson, Public Safety; Eve Wise, Physical Plant; Joseph Wise,
Radiation Oncology; Dorothy Young, Dietetic Serv
50 Years
Peter C. Gazes, M.D., Cardiology
40 Years
Jean Heinsohn, Outcomes Mgt; *Doris G. Jones, Univ Housekeeping;
John P. Manos, M.D., Path/Lab Med
30 Years
Billy Baggett, Ph.D., Ob/Gyn; Susan H. Brooks, Harper
Student Ctr; *Chris Brown, Env Serv; *Octavia E. Brown, Central Supply;
*Arthur L. Bryant Sr., Engineering/Facilities; Virgie Bryant-Green, Biomedical
Engineering; *Barbara F. Calvary, Env Serv; *Alfreda M. Capers, Central
Supply; Judy W. Chinnis, CHP; Alicia G. Commodore, Surg/Women Inf Serv;
*Althea S. Edwards, Surg/Women Inf Serv; *Fayne Fesperman, Hosp Fiscal
Services; *Florence H. Fields, Clinical Serv; Susan Smith Fox, Harper Student
Ctr; *Mary M. Gibbs, Clinical Serv; *Emma V. Gilliard, Dietetic Serv; *Inez
C. Gilliard, Children’s Serv; *Lottie Mae R. Glover, Surg/Women/Inf Serv;
*Arthur L. Grant, Physical Therapy; *Corrine B. Grant, Dept of Psychiatry;
Richardine M. Grant, Critical Care /Emerg Serv; Linda Green, Dietetic Serv;
Charles N. Griffin Jr, M.D., Radiology; Cyril Guild, Physical Plant; Russell
A. Harley Jr, M.D., Path/Lab Med; Rosalee Harrison, Transitional Care Unit;
Erline G. Howell, Biometry/Epidemiology; Allen H. Johnson, Univ Planning;
*Ethel D. Judge, Clinical Serv; Patricia C. MacFarland, Patient Financial
Serv; *Madeleine L. Manuel, Ophthalmology; Sandra W. Morrison, UMA Agency
Funds; William C. Phillips II, Ctroller/Asst Treasurer; *Doris E. Pollins,
Clinical Serv; *Ella M. Porter, Env Serv;
Eunice G. Rivers, Fiscal Affairs; Anne K. Robichaux,
Library; Norman W. Rodgers, Coll of Dental Med; Sara E. Schuh, Pediatrics;
Lynn E. Scott, Path/Lab Med; Joan D. Sides, Coll of Dental Med; *Andrew
James Simmons, Env Serv; Peggy A. Simmons, Clinical Serv; Lucille E. Skaggs,
Affirm Action, Min Affairs; Lewis W. Stillway, Ph.D., Bio/Molcular Biology;
*Ronald O. Taylor, Physiology; Cheryl G. Thomas, Path/Lab Med; *Judith
G. Trumbull, Coll of Dent Med; Donna G. Walters, UMA Agency Funds; James
E. Wynn, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sciences
10 Years
Miguel R. Abboud, M.D., Pediatrics; Mary Ann Adu, Ob/Gyn;
Lorry Y. Anderson, Radiology; David J. Annibale, M.D., Neonatology; Tyrone
A. Ansley, Env Serv;
David L. Bachman, M.D., Neurology; James Bailey, Surg/Women/Inf
Serv; Susan H. Barnhart, Internal Audit; Christopher S. Barrett, Physical
Plant;; Meredith C. Bates, Utilization Mgt; Stella M. Beasley, IOP; Mary
P. Bebensee, Marketing Serv;
O’dell Joseph Bennett, Physical Plant; Hilary J. Bernstein,
Dept of Psychiatry;
Charles A. Bickerstaff, M.D., Med; Sandra P. Bland, Coll
of Dent Med; Gwen S. Bowers, Molecular/Struc Biology; Jacqueline
Brabham, Fiscal Affairs; Anthony R. Broderick, Children’s Serv; Ivan C.
Brooks, Procurement; Debora D. Brown, Physical Therapy; Debra L. Brown,
Coll of Nursing; Deborah L. Brown, Hosp Patient Admissions; Joann G. Brown,
Cell Biology/Anatomy; Sandra Godman Brown, Coll of Nursing; Bertha L. Bryant,
Procurement; John W. Buice Jr., Physical Plant; Dorothy J. Busch, MEDUCARE;
Wanda Calliham, Radiology; Ofelia M. Campos, Critical Care & Emerg
Serv; Lillian K. Carroll, MEDUCARE; Barbara K. Cart, Coll of Med;
Susan H. Carullo, Med Ctr HR; John C. Cate IV, M.D.,
Path/Lab Med; Dwight D. Chamberlain, Univ Maintenance; James L. Chapman,
Support Serv; Penelope Chase, Therapeutic Serv; Alexander W. Chessman,
M.D., Family Med; Phyllis B. Chinnis, Sterile Processing; Patricia D. Clark,
Pediatrics; Elizabeth Clarke, Cardio Diagnostic/Thera Serv; Jean T. Clarkin,
Endocrinology; Bernice Collins, IOP;
Hope G. Colyer, Marketing Serv; Mary G. Connelly, Pediatrics;
Priscilla J. Cooper, Digestive Diseases; Mark A. Crowley, Physical Plant;
Annette Crull, Children’s Serv;
Peggy W. Cunningham, Procurement; June M. Dangerfield,
Hosp Patient Admissions;
Rata Dasgupta, Health Information Serv; Elizabeth F.
deHerder, Occupational Therapy; Anthony C. Dent, Physical Plant; Angienita
D. DeVeaux, Biomedical Engineering; Frances C. Donnelly, Micro/Immuno;
Becky W. Dornisch, Development;
Eileen Dulany, Micro/Immuno; Peter F. Edwards, Coll of
Pharmacy; Kimberly H. Egbert, Outcomes Mgt; William L. Emery, IOP; Elizabeth
A. Erkel, Ph.D., Coll of Nursing; William J. Faught, Cell Biology/Anatomy;
Peter J. Fischinger, M.D., Office of President; Joyce A. Foster, Path/Lab
Med; Josephine Freeman, Sterile Processing;
Debra A. Frei-Lahr, M.D., Coll of Med; Allen C. Gadsden,
Dept of Pharmacy Serv;
R. Jeanine Gage, Therapeutic Serv; James B. Gahagan III,
Univ Press; Jerome Gathers, Dietetic Serv; Vera C. German, IOP; Laura E.
Gillard, IOP; Vicki D. Graham, Clinical Serv; Emuel E. Green, Univ Mail
Serv; Ronald Green, Radiology; Cheryl P. Griffin, Procurement; David M.
Habib, M.D., Pediatrics; Connie T. Harbert, Hosp Patient Accounting;
Karen L. Harper, Research Development; Mary E. Harrington, Surg/Women/Inf
Serv; Sharon H. Harris, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Evelyn R. Headley, IOP;
Ray T. Heissenbuttle, Finance; Jacqueline J. Heyward, Path/Lab Med;
Brenda J. Hoffman, Dept of Med; Dana M. Holladay, Hollings
Cancer Ctr; Ervin B. Holladay, Ph.D., CHP; Frances M. Holmes, Therapeutic
Serv; Leisa R. Hunter-Linnen, Digestive Diseases; Florence N. Hutchison,
M.D., Nephrology; Clint Infinger, Path/Lab Med; Andrew D. Johnson, Path/Lab
Med; Carolyn Johnson, Children’s Serv; James A. Johnson Jr, Ph.D. , CHP;
Linda M. Johnson, Urology; Nathan J. Johnson, Outcomes Mgt; Ann Marie Jones,
Coll of Dent Med; Denise M. Jones, Hosp Patient Admissions; Frank L. Kelley
Jr, Physical Plant; Susan Ragsdale King, Physical Therapy; Vicki L. Kivett,
Rheumatology; Theresa K. Koprowski, Children’s Serv; Monina R. Lahoz, Ph.D.,
Coll of Pharmacy; Joseph H. Laver, Pediatrics; Donna A. Lee, Children’s
Serv; Mary R. Lee, Research Admin; Sonya E. Lemon, Parking Mgt; Alice Q.
Libet, Ph.D., Physical Med/Rehab; Betty F. Lopez, Surg/Women/Inf Serv;
David Major, Univ Press; Ursula Malvasio, Dept of Psychiatry; Edith G.
Manigault, Central Supply; Joceline Masauding, Critical Care/Emerg Serv;
Karin S. McAdory, Children’s Serv; Mary M. McCall, CHP;
Jane B. McCullough, Development; Cynthia L. McDonald,
Research; Karen M. McHugh, IOP; Willette A. McKamey, Physical Therapy;
Robin E. McKarns, Children’s Serv; Kathleen McKay, Parking Mgt; Esperanza
T. Melling, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Barbara G. Metz, Orthopaedic Surgery;
Sandra G. Middleton, Physical Med/Rehab; Delores S. Mitchell, Fiscal Affairs;
Paul Moss, Plant Safety/Security; James B. Murphy Jr, Procurement; Sherrell
Nelson Cardio Diagnostics/Thera Serv; Ruth M. Nickless, Children’s Serv;
Kimberly F. Nilsson, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Debra A. Nolan, Radiology; Edward
D. Norcross, M.D., Surgery; Robin B. Ohlinger, Children’s Serv; Leslie
W. Organ, Harper Student Ctr
Rosann M. Owens, Dept of Psychiatry; Carolyn E. Page,
Coll of Nursing; George T. Pappas, Path/Lab Med; Karen L. Parish, Radiology;
Kennerly S. Patrick, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sci;
Dudley R. Paulling, Biomedical Engineering; Lori A. Paulus, Critical Care/Emer
Serv; Teresa G. Pilkinton, Env Serv; James K. Pope, Physical Plant; M.
Elaine Proctor, IOP; Barbara A. Reddy, Specialty Serv; Susan Redfield-Jones,
Children’s Serv; Margaret Reed, Transitional Care Unit; Heidi S. Resnick,
Ph.D., Dept of Psychiatry; Judy Rivers-Grimball, Hosp Patient Admissions;
Susan B. Robertson, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Margaret H. Romano, Path/Lab Med;
Peter A. Rosenthal, Radiology; Erin J. Rourk, Marketing Serv; Betty P.
Rouse, Dept of Psychiatry; Roger D. Rowell, Physical Plant; Naomi Sampson,
Dept of Psychiatry; John C. Savage, Plant Op/Maintenance; Dawne A. Savarese,
MEDUCARE; Michael G. Schmidt, Ph.D., Micro/Immuno; James D. Sciarro, Biomedical
Engineering; *Dorothy M. Scott, Physical Therapy; Kim L. Seymour-Edwards,
Radiology; Elizabeth D. Sibbald, Dialysis; Nancy P. Sifford, Univ Risk
Mgt; Mary A. Simmons, Env Serv; Avtar K. Singh, Path/Lab Med; Leslie L.
Smalls, Health Information Serv; Carolyn S. Smiley, Harper Student Ctr;
Wanda G. Smith, Path/Lab Med; Nancy M. Smythe, Otolaryngology; Donald L.
Steinert Jr, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Kathleen V. Stewart, Support Serv; Arvid
H. Stitely, Dialysis; Paul W. Thies, Cardio Diagnostics/Thera Serv; Mike
W. Thomas, Procurement; Melvin W. Thompson, Physical Plant; Carmel C. Toland,
Cardiology; Sheryl E. Tuttle, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Lynn A. Uber, BS, PharmD,
Pharmacy; Walter E. Uber, BS, PharmD, Pharmacy; Michael E. Ullian, Nephrology;
R. Howard Vaughan, Path/Lab Med; Linda P. Walker, Pediatrics; Margaret
A. Walker, Path/Lab Med; Michael K. Watts, Public Safety; Elizabeth C.
Webster, Infection Control; L. Thomas Weir, DDS, Coll of Dent Med; Anne
Welch, Library; Caren L. Weldon, Path/Lab Med; Ellsworth H. Wheeler, Ph.D.
Library; Teresa M. White, Central Supply; Barbara A. Wiggins, Parking Mgt;
M. Caroline Williams, Surg/Women/Inf Serv; Sara I. Wright, Cardio Diagnostics/Thera
Serv; Virginia A. Wright, Radiology