CurrentsAt our Dec. 7 communications meeting, John Franklin gave an update on our Y2K plan. Among other things, a booklet has been prepared to serve as a resource guide to answer questions. Certain individuals have been designated to be on the job during the critical Y2K period(s). All managers, directors and administrators are expected to be on-call during the critical period(s) and prepared to be at work within two hours, unless approval is given otherwise on an individual basis.A mock JCAHO survey will be conducted Dec. 13-15. This mock survey will give us a score card to highlight strengths and weaknesses. The next real JCAHO survey is expected in August 2000. Reportedly, JCAHO has “raised the bar.” We have a lot to do to prepare for the survey. I realize the Dec. 13-15 mock survey schedule will be inconvenient for some of us during this busy time. Considering the work that needs to be done for the August survey, I do not believe that we have the luxury of waiting until after the holiday period to get things rolling. Everyone’s cooperation with the mock survey and with prompt follow-up on matters that need attention will be greatly appreciated. On another matter, the Medical Center authority work teams have been busy preparing for the authority implementation, as communicated in previous newsletters. Some of the work teams have made more progress than others, and the issues to be addressed vary from procedural matters to philosophical issues. In early January, the MUSC leadership team will hold a retreat to review progress made to date, and draft a work plan with a time line for accomplishing various tasks related to the authority implementation. Progress will be communicated as we move forward. Thank you, and I hope everyone has a happy holiday season. W. Stuart Smith
Y2K update