Faculty Senate meeting minutes, Dec. 7The meeting was called to order by Dr. Adrian Reuben at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 7. The November minutes were approved.Senators present: Basic Sciences: Dan Knapp, Philip Privitera, Jerry Webb, Michael Schmidt Clinical Sciences: Peter Carek, James Carter, Leonie Gordon, Mark Lyles, Charles Kellner, Janice Key, Paul Pritchard, Linda Austin, Adrian Reuben, Maria Lopes-Virella, Tom Gettys, Patrick Flume, Kim Rakes Dental Medicine: Luis Leite Health Professions: Andrea White, Richard Hernandez, Gail Pashek Library and Informatics: Bobbie Carlson, Elizabeth Connor, Peggy Schachte, Joann Sullivan Nursing: Elaine Amella, Francine Margolius Pharmacy: Jason Cooper Visitor: Diane Wilson Staff: None Reuben informed the senate that the Faculty Senate’s administrative assistant submitted her resignation. The provost has suggested that the position be combined with another in the administration and he will recommend someone for us. The latest revision of the terms of appointment document, spearheaded by Knapp, was distributed. Since this has been agreed to and accepted by the Deans’ Committee, we will distribute the accepted version to the faculty at large for comment, and then vote on it at the next Senate meeting if there are no substantive suggested corrections. The latest version of the Faculty Handbook is available on the Faculty Senate website <http://www.musc.edu/facsen>. Reuben asked the senators to check the contents and index for accuracy and for any typographical errors. Several sections related to termination of tenured faculty (section 7.1.2, now covered by 6.4.4), faculty salary increases (section 9.3), and liability insurance (section 13.2) require revision and will be dealt with by an appropriate senate committee. The next Faculty Senate Retreat is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 8. Out of financial necessity, refreshments will be more frugal than last time. Please send your suggestions for possible discussion topics to Leite, chair of the University Affairs committee. Reuben announced the leadership, membership and responsibilities of Senate Committees: University Affairs Committee (Leite, chair)
Governance Committee (Margolius, chair)
Faculty Affairs Committee (White, chair)
Academic Affairs Committee (Knapp, chair)
Dr. Ed Conradi will address the Senate next year to discuss a new research integrity compliance policy and series of training sessions. Knapp made a motion stating that the Faculty Senate of the Medical University of South Carolina supports the removal of the Confederate flag from the state house. Motion seconded and passed. Several faculty expressed their grave concern about university financial problems that impair the activities and productivity of the faculty. It was suggested that Procurement systematically slows down the tranfer of funds. Checks are not being sent in a timely fashion even when funds are available from external sources such as grants. Some faculty members have had to pay for reagents with their own credit cards, for example, because vendors refuse to accept university orders. After considerable discussion, a motion was made and withdrawn concerning the faculty’s need to have these problems addressed in a definitive manner as soon as possible. Instead, it was suggested that Reuben send a letter to Dr. Greenberg,
outlining faculty frustration and giving several pressing examples, such
as arcane procurement processes.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 7:45 a.m. Please note that this is the second Tuesday of the month, to avoid problems at the beginning of the new era. |