invites national health services researchers
The Center for Health Care Research (CHCR) announces the initiation of its 1999 Visiting Professor Program from noon until 1 p.m. on Feb. 19 in classroom 1225 of Rutledge Tower. The program brings nationally recognized health services researchers, who are experts in various types of health care research, to MUSC. CHCR visiting professors will be invited to present a grand rounds session, research seminars, and to meet with investigators. The program will serve to bring a broader perspective on health care research to MUSC. Everyone is invited to attend the grand rounds presentation. Other meetings will be scheduled as time permits. The program is coordinated by David Bradford, Ph.D., CHCR investigator. CHCR's first guest in the 1999 Visiting Professor Program is Dr. Carolyn M. Clancy, director of the AHCPR Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research. On Friday, Clancy will present “Outcomes Research: Measuring the End Results of Health Care” as part of CHCR's bi-weekly grand rounds series that is designed to promote and coordinate Health Services Research at MUSC. This grand rounds series has been certified to provide Category 1 credits through the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), and continuing education units through MUSC. All interested faculty, trainees and students are encouraged to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, network with other MUSC investigators, and plan for future collaborations. For information or to register, contact Jo Smith at 876-1221. |
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