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for purchases/requisition receipt announced
With the new fiscal year rapidly approaching, new requirements must
be followed to have orders in place for the new year and payments made
for this fiscal year.
Purchases greater than $250,000 require Board of Trustees’ approval
prior to the solicitation process beginning—As a follow-up to a broadcast
e-mail of Dec. 6, 1999, requests for these purchases must be forwarded
to Procurement by Feb. 16, for the April 14, meeting, and March 22,
for the May 18, meeting. These dates must be met by the fiscal year cutoff;
the Board will not meet again until Aug. 11.
March 1—Deadline for accepting requisitions for purchases over $25,000
expending FY 99/00 funds (after obtaining all required approvals) will
take a minimum of 60-120 days to complete. (Major procurements that require
connectivity to the existing MUSC Network Topology may exceed this time
frame: e.g., Hardware/Software Information System.)
April 1—Deadline for accepting requisitions for maintenance, repair/service
and lease (rental) of equipment, blanket, standing blanket order, etc.
requests for an effective date of July 1, (FY 00/01 funds). This should
allow adequate time to establish purchase orders to afford uninterrupted
service for the new fiscal year. Deadline on requisitions for purchases
from $10,000.01 to $25,000 expending FY 99/00 funds are due at this time.
April 1—Deadline for accepting requisitions for purchases from $1,500.01
to $10,000 expending FY 99/00 funds.
June 1—Deadline for accepting requisitions and Direct Vouchers under $1,500
and properly authorized direct vouchers expending FY 999/00 funds.
Interfaces will be processed as fast as possible, to assure charges are
made to the appropriate fiscal year purchase. Don’t wait until the last
minute to make your end-of-the-year purchase, no matter how small it may
For those entering requisitions and blanket order releases on-line (into
SmartStream), it is critical the documents are entered per instruction
of the SmartStream Trainers. If you are uncertain or require additional
training related to the process, contact the SmartStream Trainers at 792-3370
or e-mail to
This is an excellent time to assure all direct vouchers and blanket
order releases are sent to Purchasing for entry into the financial system.
Again, all receivers and invoices for merchandise and services received
prior to June 30, must be delivered to Systems Accounting and Accounts
Payable to assure a distinct, pure cut off is obtained.
Please assure you use the actual date services and/or goods are received—Not
the date you complete a receiver.
You are encouraged to contact your Customer Acquisition Team (CAT) members
if you have any questions related to these “purchasing cycle” requirements.
A listing of these Teams can be found on Procurement’s website at <>
All orders must be delivered, receivers sent and received by Systems
Accounting or entered by your department into SmartStream and invoices
must be in Accounts Payable by June 30 for payments to be made with FY
99/00 funds. |