TEAM MUSC: celebrating each journey over the bridgeMUSC has been strongly represented in the 23-year history of the Cooper River Bridge Run. Who hasn’t heard the stories of the wonderful transplant patients who’ve overcome incredible odds to conquer the bridge?These inspiring stories continue to draw national attention. “This year, we decided that TEAM MUSC would be a good way to highlight additional groups and individuals who participate,” said Lisa Giles, director of community outreach at MUSC. “Our goal is to let the community know how much we support an individual’s journey to health and wellness.” TEAM MUSC will include groups of patients and employees from the Transplant Center, Adult Cystic Fibrosis Clinic, Physical Therapy Services and countless others who either walk with their patients or in honor of them. Team members also include employees, students and family members who use the bridge as their personal motivation to stay fit, lose weight, quit smoking, overcome health problems or simply to beat the winter blahs. On the day of the bridge run, participants and spectators will find TEAM MUSC by their T-shirts. They will also join the MUSC volunteers at the MUSC finish line expo tent. Many services will be on hand to provide screenings and health information to the thousands who will end up at the finish line, near the Gailliard Auditorium and Calhoun Park. The new bridge route and expo space offer more room and a terrific opportunity to have MUSC health experts on hand in-force. “We want to meet the public and hear their bridge run stories,” said Giles. “From the athlete to the person recovering from heart surgery or a knee injury— that’s what this event is all about. It’s a chance for us to celebrate with them.” MUSC participation also includes support of the Cooper River Bridge Run Kids’ Race. Members of MUSC Children’s Health will be at the finish line with prize drawings, health and safety information, and special activities. MUSC’s Transplant Center will be joined by Advanced Cellular for a “Sign a card— Call a family member!” campaign. Visitors to the expo will have a chance to visit the MUSC tent, sign an organ and tissue donation card, and then call anyone in the country to share that decision. MUSC groups participating at the Bridge Run Finish Line Expo include: Complementary Medicine; Carolina Family Care; Center for Appearance; Children’s Health; College of Dental Medicine; College of Pharmacy; Digestive Disease Center; Heart and Vascular Center; College of Nursing; Institute of Psychiatry; Transplant Center; MEDUCARE Emergency Services; Hollings Cancer Center; Women’s Health; Storm Eye Institute and Magill Laser Center; and Adult Cystic Fibrosis Center. |