being accepted for award
The Office of Diversity is accepting nominations for the Earl B.
Achievement in Diversity Award.
The award is an annual recognition/honor to be presented at a special
reception to an employee at MUSC who has made significant positive contributions
to diversity on the campus in one or more of the following categories:
Student recruitment, retention, enrichment and/or relations; Employee
recruitment, retention, enrichment and/or relations; Improving MUSC's and
the community's perception of diversity; Advancing issues and public discussion
including race relations, women's issues, international students, and accommodating
the disabled.
Nominations for the 2000 award must be received in the Office of
Diversity, 3 Doughty St., no later than 5 p.m., Feb. 29. For information,
call Kathy Whitaker at 792-9694 or e-mail Forms may
also be obtained from the website at <>
Complete this form and submit to the Office of Diversity
Information on the Nominee
Telephone Number___________Current Position/Title__________________
Category nominating for:___________________________________________
Educational Background___________________________________________
Information on the Nominator (must be MUSC employee or student)
Telephone Number_______________________________________
Reason for nomination: Briefly describe the contributions made by the
nominee in all of the above categories and attach to this form. Also, attach
any additional narrative or support information, including letters of recommendation.
MUSC employees or students may make nominations.