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receive gifts through random drawing
The following employees were selected in the monthly random drawing
for being applauded during February:
Medical University
Movie Passes: Dwight Blair, Rafael Correa, Ernest Gillyard, Clifton
McDonald and Paola Signorelli
Citadel/Northwoods Mall: Dana Crater, Carol Creek, Charles Cutler,
Kelly Jones and Tamiko Wyndham-Cooke
Medical Center
Movie Passes: Lucy Knell, Flora King, Pat Aysse, Hwajoo Haynes,
Bremba Jackson
Citadel/Northwoods Mall: Caroline Williams, Susan Stine, Penelope
Chase, Jacquetta Dunmyer, Cindy Lee Staats
Employees can make arrangements to pick up their award by calling
792-2121 (Medical University) or 792-0369 (Medical Center).