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Blue ribbon symbolizes abuse prevention

by Gale Horinbein, MSW, LMSW
MUSC SCAN (Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect) Coordinator
Everyday, three or more children within the United States will die from child abuse or neglect.
Thirty-eight percent of all children killed will never celebrate their first birthday. Each year since 1985, the rate of child abuse fatalities has increased by 34 percent per year. 
Child abuse is a serious problem, affecting not only children but families and society as well. Current statistics for child maltreatment and neglect are alarming. More than 3 million children were reported for child abuse and neglect during 1997. Of that statistic, more than 1 million were confirmed by authorities as victims of child abuse.
In South Carolina, authorities received 20,280 reports of child abuse and neglect, involving 45,007 children. Experts believe that many cases go unreported and will never be brought to the attention of the state's child protective services agencies or law enforcement. 
That is why the National Exchange Club Foundation encourages individuals to wear or display a blue ribbon throughout the month of April. This symbol will increase awareness and public education of these startling statistics. Throughout April, communities will recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month through numerous projects and public awareness.
This year, the Blue Ribbon Campaign which is sponsored by the Lowcountry Exchange Club Center, will focus on Shaken Baby Syndrome. This medical term describes the violent shaking and resulting injuries sustained from abusing young infants and toddlers up to 3-years old. It occurs when a young child's head is snapped back and forth. 
Often, there are no obvious physical signs of harm to a child, although injuries may occur in the head or behind the eyes. In reality, shaking a baby, even if only for a few seconds, can impair a baby for life. Injuries can include brain swelling and damage, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, developmental delays, blindness, hearing loss, paralysis, and death. 
Approximately 25 percent of all babies with Shaken Baby Syndrome die. Many adults mistakenly believe that shaking a baby is a harmless way to stop a child from crying. Reports estimate that 25 to 50 percent of parents and caretakers are unaware of the fatal effects of shaking a baby.
The campaign began in 1989 under the inspiration of Bonnie Finney, a concerned grandmother from Norfolk, Va. Finney took a stand against child abuse following the death of her grandson, Michael Wayne Dickenson, who had been murdered by his mother's abusive boyfriend. The blue color symbolizes the bruises she had seen on the three year old's body.
The Blue Ribbon Campaign is an opportunity to increase public awareness and education. The public is encouraged to wear a blue ribbon and support the prevention of child abuse.
For more information about programs to prevent child abuse and neglect, contact the Exchange Club Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, 747-1339. 
To order blue ribbons or obtain information, contact 792-8947.

Ten Reasons to Prevent Child Abuse
1. Child abuse can be fatal. For the past two years, an average of three children a day have been reported as fatal victims of maltreatment. the vast majority of these children are two years old or younger.

2. Child abuse stymies a child's growth and development. The emotional and physical damage children suffer from abuse and neglect is extensive. Documented consequences of abuse include chronic health problems, such as low self-esteem, lack of trust, and poor relationships with adults and peers.

3. Child abuse is costly for many social institutions. Remediating the immediate consequences of serious physical abuse alone costs child welfare agencies, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities almost $500 million annually.

4. Child abuse costs continue to multiply. For example, children killed as a result of parental abuse or neglect never have the opportunity to contribute to society. In 1986 and 1987 these deaths cost more than $1.2 billion in lost productivity.

5. Child abuse victims often repeat the violent acts they experienced on their own children. Although some victims can overcome the scars of their abuse, child abuse victims are six times more likely to become abusive parents than non-abused children.

6. Treatment services, while critical, are often ineffective in permanently altering parental behaviors. Program evaluations have found that even sophisticated clinical demonstration projects, often consisting of weekly contact for 12-18 months, eliminate the future likelihood for physical abuse or neglect for less than half their clients.

7. Preventive programs targeted at parents before they become abusive or neglectful reduce the likelihood for future maltreatment. Parenting education, support groups and home visitor programs have consistently demonstrated positive outcomes. Specific gains include improved mother-infant bonding, enhanced parenting skills, and more consistent use of health care services. Recipients of these services also have demonstrated a reduced rate of child abuse when compared to comparable groups of parents not receiving services.

8. Prevention programs targeted at children can improve a child's awareness of how best to avoid child abuse and other unsafe practices. A recent review of 25 evaluations of these programs indicate that such efforts consistently resulted in increased knowledge for children about safety rules and what they should do if they are being abused. Further, the programs create an environment in which children can more easily disclose prior or ongoing maltreatment.

9. Child abuse prevention efforts serve as a way to combat other social problems of concern to the policy makers. Research has found a strong correlation between a history of abuse and a variety of adult problem behaviors, including substance abuse, juvenile and adult crime, and poor social adjustment. The consistent expansion of prevention services may well lead to the eventual reduction of these problems.

10. Child abuse prevention creates a more compassionate society, one which places a high value on the welfare of children. Ensuring the safe and secure rearing of the next generation requires the efforts of all policy makers and all citizens. To the extent that all are involved in the battle to prevent child abuse, all are  made more aware of the need to nurture human potential in all that we do.