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March 23, 1990
The legislation to enable the Medical Center to change its governance
structure by forming a state authority was recently introduced in the state
Senate and soon will be introduced in the House. We're optimistic that
these governing bodies will act favorably on the legislation, which will
enable progress with our clinical enterprise strategic plan. Highlights
of the legislation were included in the March 16, 1999, issue of Currents.
We plan to solicit questions, ideas and recommendations from employees
regarding how we can improve productivity and human resources policies
if the authority is approved. A “Me Issues Committee” will be established
to spearhead this effort. If the authority is approved, we don't envision
an overnight change. Instead, it will be a gradual and methodical process
to take advantage of the flexibility and opportunities that we hope the
authority will give us. We are committed to ensuring the best interests
of employees.
W. Stuart Smith
Interim Vice President for Clinical Operations
CEO, MUSC Medical Center
Organ Procurement Update
- Pam Cipriano, Ph.D., administrator for Clinical Services, said the
Medical Center notified the Health Care Financing Administration of our
desire to withdraw the waiver application that requested LifeLink of Georgia
to serve as MUSC's designated organ procurement organization instead of
the South Carolina Organ Procurement Agency, or SCOPA. Representatives
from MUSC and SCOPA were able to reach agreement on some changes that will
enhance the relationships between the two groups. The MUSC Transplant Center
and SCOPA share the same goal of increasing organ donation in South Carolina
and making transplantation more available to our citizens. Cipriano indicated
that the resolution of this issue benefits everyone involved.
ClinLAN95 Conversion Update
- David Northrup, director of CCIT Healthcare Computing Services, updated
the management team on the ClinLAN95 conversion, which is targeted for
completion this October. To date, approximately 1,200 PCs have been converted,
approximately 1,350 PCs need to be converted and another 1,000 PCs will
be added to the system.
- The conversion efforts are presently moving sequentially through the
floors of Children's Hospital, Medical University Hospital, North Tower
and the Clinical Science Building.
- Northrup emphasized that hard drives, or C:, will be erased during
the conversion process. Any such data on C: drives must be moved to the
current file server, or I:, before conversion.
- All GroupWise e-mail is being moved to ClinLAN95 before the PC upgrade
process in order to make the eventual conversion process less disruptive
for everyone. Existing ClinLAN3.1 users will be required to use the prompted
GroupWise function during the interim period. This process is underway
and should be complete by mid-summer.
- The migration to WindowsNT will begin in early 2000.
- For additional information about the ClinLAN95 conversion process,
current schedule and training opportunities, visit the following Web site:
Information Management Needs Assessment Survey
- Christine Lewis, RRA, manager of coding and record processing for Health
Information Services, and Jeff Burdick, manager of Healthcare Administrative
Systems, reviewed the results of the Information Management needs assessment
survey conducted last fall. One hundred twenty-one administrators, directors,
managers and physicians completed the survey, which was a larger sample
size with more physician input than the 1997 survey. Results varied slightly
from the 1997 survey. The Information Management team will review and discuss
the changes in results.
- YES Campaign April is yearly employee support, or YES, month at MUSC.
Employee donations are the foundation of all other private gifts received
throughout the year at MUSC. Before individuals, businesses and foundations
in our community decide to give, they want to know how many employees demonstrate
belief in MUSC through their own financial support. Robert Gallager, vice
president for Finance and Administration, is chairing this year's campaign.
The campaign has two goals: to raise at least $260,000 and add 500 employee
donors. The amount of money employees give and the number of employees
who participate are equally important. Call 792-1973 for additional details.
- Y2K Message Are you prepared for the year 2000? Call 792-3988 for Y2K
- Blood Donors Needed Please make time to donate blood at the MUSC blood
drive. The blood supply here and at other local hospitals depends on your
donation. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can call 852-2922 to schedule an
appointment for the date listed below. Please leave a message with the
time you prefer.
MUSC Harper Center Blood Drive
- Thursday, April 8: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. (Donors who gave blood on or before
2/11/99 are eligible to give again.) This blood drive is a competition
between MUSC schools.
Platelet donors also are needed!
- MUSC Apheresis Center, Room 267, Main Hospital Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30
a.m.-5 p.m.; Wednesday, Friday: 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Please call 792-3340 to
schedule an appointment today.