emergencies can happen anywhere
by Donna Bailey, Public Relations Medical emergencies can happen in any working environment, even in a hospital. Should it happen in an environment of medical professionals, they can handle it. However, what if it happens in a non-clinical area; does anyone know the proper procedure? “When you work in a hospital, you feel like help should be immediately available,” said Sue Pletcher, coordinator of Mayday and Medical Emergency Response Plan. “That is not always true. Accidents can occur anywhere. Having one plan for everyone is important, so no matter where the medical emergency happens, it can be taken care of correctly.” Beginning May 1, procedures will be posted around the Medical Center to help direct people in case of a medical emergency. By dialing 2-3333 the caller will connect immediately with two operators. They will decide which emergency response team to page based on a few questions. “I tried to make it as simple and basic as possible,” said Pletcher. “The main questions that need to be answered are whether the patient is an adult or child, conscious or unconscious and the location. This will clarify the seriousness of the incident and send the correct Medical Emergency Response Team on their way.” “This is a very large medical center, so it will be important that the caller give the exact location of the incident and a call back number,” Pletcher continued. “Often the operators are not able to tell where the call is coming from. They need to be able to contact the caller if the Medical Emergency Response Team cannot find the victim.” The plan will cover the Main Hospital, Children's Hospital, Storm Eye Institute, Clinical Science Building, Rutledge Tower, Rutledge Annex, Library Administration Building, Hollings Cancer Center, Institute of Psychiatry, Emergency Department Parking Lot, and the Horseshoe Area. The university hopes to cover the entire campus in the near future. Meanwhile, all other campus locations such as Basic Science and Strom Thurmond buildings, College of Nursing, and parking garages, should call 911. Medical Center Security Department will be assisting with the distribution of information and phone stickers with the emergency numbers. To obtain additional phone stickers, posters or pocket size cards with first aid emergency procedures on the back, call 792-6902. “It took the assistance and cooperation of many MUSC departments to make this happen,” said Pletcher. “Everyone realized the value of such a project.” MUSC Medical Center MAYDAY & Medical Emergency Response Plan
First Aids Tips While waiting for help to arrive: