Message from YES Campaign ChairSince the Yearly Employee Support (YES) Campaign’s inception in 1988, MUSC employees have donated more than $1.5 milllion to the patient care, education and research programs of the Medical University of South Carolina.Your donations support more than 300 funds in the Health Sciences Foundation including outstanding faculty research in glaucoma, bone marrow transplantation and sickle cell anemia; minority scholarship funds; patient education and counseling; and community outreach programs. Employee donations help sustain programs directed to all ages from the daily care of premature newborns and educational programs for adolescents to community outreach services for the elderly. Every hour of every day, employees touch lives in our community. From emergency rooms to the physical plant, from classrooms to housekeeping to intensive care units and administrative offices, you are the foundation of the research, education and patient care provided by MUSC. The success of the YES Campaign is an impressive demonstration of your confidence and commitment to the future of MUSC and the community it serves. This year, our YES Campaign goal is $270,000. Please help us reach this goal by taking the opportunity to give back to the University. Your generous gifts are instrumental in helping achieve the university’s mission. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to MUSC and its future. Maureen R. Keefe, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN Dean and Professor, College of Nursing