March 30, 1999 At our March 30 communications meeting, Reece Smith, manager of Compliance, gave the management team an update on compliance and provided information to be used as a compliance “refresher course” for all Medical Center employees. Everyone’s cooperation is needed to complete the compliance training update. Managers are reminded to please be sure to follow through with reporting and documenting the training as called for in the guidelines issued. Eliminating Medicare fraud and abuse remains a top priority for the federal government. The government has devoted tremendous resources to this effort. We can expect compliance to continue to be a high priority as we look to the future. We began the Medical Center’s compliance program in the spring of 1997, with the appointment of a compliance officer and committee. UMA and CMH compliance representatives worked with our compliance committee to share information and coordinate our plans. Our compliance policy (Medical Center Policy A-67) and code of conduct was implemented in January 1998. In February 1998, compliance training was conducted for all managers, and we followed through with compliance education for all employees during April 1998. Compliance also was included as a key orientation topic for new hires, and departments developed service area-specific compliance initiatives. During this past year, the Medical Center’s Compliance Office has been busy assisting departments with their compliance programs, answering questions and being proactive to address compliance- related issues. Anyone who has a question or who observes what appears to be an unlawful practice or conduct should contact the Compliance Office (792-6128), or call the Compliance Hotline (1-888-398-2633). W. Stuart Smith, Interim Vice President for Clinical Operations CEO, MUSC Medical Center Medical Center Security Update
Compliance Training
MUSC Harper Center Blood Drive Thursday, April 8, 1999: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Donors who donated on or before 2/11/99 are eligible to give again.) This blood drive is competition between MUSC schools! Platelet Donors Also Needed! MUSC Apheresis Center, Room 267, Main Hospital (843) 792-3340 Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Wednesday, Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Please call to set up an appointment today! |