Oacis Tip of the WeekDid you know that the Main and Ambulatory Surgery Schedules are available from Oacis?Once you log into the system, there is a button on the login window labeled Surgery Schedule. When you first access the schedule, a window pops up letting you know the schedules are updated four times a day. You can switch the view from Main or Ambulatory and lookup surgeries by either patient or physician name. You can view the scheduled room number, enter and exit time, surgeon, operation, patient name, medical record number, date of birth, age, unit location (if an inpatient), anesthesia type and anesthesiologist. The last date and time the schedule was updated is located near the bottom of the window. This is a view-only resource so you cannot change the schedule. This feature of Oacis is also helpful because it stores the last 30 days of surgery schedules. Watch The Catalyst weekly for the “Tip of the Week” regarding both
ClinLAN95 and Oacis. For more information on ClinLAN95, visit its
website at <http://clinlan.musc.edu/>.