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In a previous issue of Currents, I discussed work teams that are being
developed to address issues related to the MUSC Hospital Authority. Teams
will focus on the following issues:
Education and research issues
Procurement, materials management, physical plant, maintenance, housekeeping
and construction
Human resources
Information technology, including telecommunications and distribution
Financial systems, including accounts payable, payroll, general accounting,
financial reporting and bursar
Shared services and purchased services
Fixed assets
Space allocation, including the university and Medical Center
Public safety
Risk management and hazardous waste management
Legal issues
Infrastructure, including steam, electrical distribution, etc.
These work teams will include appropriate representation from university
administration, academic and research areas, UMA, CMH, the state Budget
and Control Board, and the Medical Center.
Numerous legal issues need clarification. I expect to work closely
with Joe Good, MUSC general counsel, on these issues.
The procurement and human resources teams are beginning to make progress.
Issues addressed by these teams need to be resolved in order for the authority
conversion to take place in January 2000. The human resources team includes
the “Me Issues Committee” and other initiatives.
The Medical University Hospital Authority Act was passed by the General
Assembly to enable greater flexibility for the Medical Center's management
and operation. According to the act, the Medical Center is exempt from
state procurement and human resources regulations. Under the authority,
the Medical Center will continue to be a public entity, and we must be
accountable for public funds and resources. We must remember that increased
flexibility brings high expectations, and demands that we establish appropriate
controls and systems.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
Leadership recruitments, appointments announced
Academic Division Update
Raymond Greenberg, M.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs,
announced the following leadership recruitments and appointments:
Danielle Ripich, Ph.D., dean and professor, College of Health Professions
Barbara Tilley, Ph.D., professor and chair, Department of Biometry and
Janice Lage, M.D., professor and chair, Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Paul Ray Lambert, M.D., professor and chair, Department of Otolaryngology
Final candidates are being interviewed for two open positions: professor
and chair for the Department of Neurology, and director of the Center for
Study of Aging
Greenberg said the university extramural research awards topped $100 million
for fiscal year 1999. The extramural awards from the National Institutes
of Health reached nearly $40 million in fiscal year 1999.
The economic impact of MUSC research on South Carolina was $71.1 million
in 1993, $125.7 million in 1998, and is projected to be $233.3 million
in 2003. The numbers of jobs generated by research activities were
1,700 in 1993, 3,006 in 1998, and are projected to be 5,581 in 2003.
Hurricane Preparation
Al Nesmith, director of safety, security and volunteer services, distributed
forms for management team members to complete regarding the number of new
emergency worker tags needed in each department. If you need replacement
tags, please keep that number separate from the number of new tags you
request. Nesmith reminded management team members to post a “designated
employee” list.
Rob Fowler, meteorologist with WCBD-Channel 2, talked with the management
team about this year's storm season. He said to expect an active season,
with 14 named storms and nine hurricanes. Fowler said it is particularly
important for hospital employees who will be on the job during a hurricane
to devise and rehearse a family emergency plan before severe weather strikes.
Carolina Centers for Occupational Health
Nancy Sifford, University Risk Management, introduced Sam Ormont and Susan
Ivey from MUSC's new employee health provider, Carolina Centers for Occupational
Health, located at 158 Rutledge Ave. The facility is open Monday
through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The main phone number is 792-2991,
or 554-1029 for the North Charleston location.
Ormont said the new staff faces a backlog of work, particularly with TB
tracking and bloodborne pathogen issues. He said management team members
could expect improved communication, and reminded them to follow proper
reporting procedures following an on-the-job injury.
Susan Carullo, manager of Medical Center Employment, Compensation and Employee
Relations, reminded management team members to complete EPMS evaluations
on time, in order for employees to receive appropriate merit increases.
EPMS evaluations can be completed up to 90 days in advance, and should
be submitted with a PEAR form attached in order to expedite the process.
Late evaluations could negatively affect employees' merit increases. If
you have questions, please contact Carullo at 792-1684.
Blood Donors Needed
Please make time to donate blood at the MUSC blood drives. The blood supply
here and at other local hospitals depends on your donation. Walk-ins are
welcome, but if you would like to set an appointment for any of the dates
below, please call Beth Medved at 852-2922, and leave a message with the
date and time preferred.
July Horseshoe Bloodmobiles
Tuesday, July 20: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Donors who gave blood on or before May
25, are eligible to give again.
Wednesday, July 28: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Donors who gave blood on or before
June 2, are eligible to give again.
We also need platelet donors to help cancer and leukemia patients!
MUSC Apheresis Center, room 267, Main Hospital, 792-3340 or 852-2922
Y2K Message
Be informed. Ask questions. Be prepared. |