Smoak named president-elect of AMARandolph D. Smoak, Jr., M.D., clinical professor of surgery, is the first South Carolinian to be named president-elect of the American Medical Association (AMA).A graduate of MUSC, Smoak’s dedication to organized medicine has been evident through his years of service on the state level as well as nationally. Smoak has been a member of the Board of Trustees with AMA since 1992. He is also the lead spokesperson for the AMA’s anti-smoking campaign, representing on the Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health. Locally, Smoak served as president and chairman of South Carolina Medical Association (SCMA), as well as president of the South Carolina Division of the American Cancer Society. He is a founding member of the South Carolina Oncology Society and he has just completed a term as Governor from South Carolina to the American College of Surgeons. Smoak graduated from MUSC in 1959 and completed his residency here as
well. He and his wife Saundra reside in Orangeburg.