Emergency foreign language interpreters neededThe Office of the President is updating the MUSC listing of volunteer emergency foreign language interpreters.The list is composed primarily of MUSC faculty, staff, students and spouses who are available to read, write and speak a variety of languages for emergency voluntary translation services. The list is used by the Medical Center and also shared with appropriate community groups. If you wish to continue as an emergency volunteer interpreter or know someone in the MUSC family who would be willing to serve as an interpreter, fill out the form and fax to 792-1097, send to the President's Office via campus mail or e-mail your responses to president@musc.edu. The deadline for information is Tuesday, Sept. 7. Call Susan Brooks or Emily Brown in the Office of International Programs,
792-7083 for information.
MUSC Volunteer Emergency InterpretersPlease Print or TypeNAME:___________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ HOME: (For record purposes only)
_________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:
2.____________________________________________ 4._______________________________ Fax to 792-1097 or campus mail to the President's Office. Information
can also be sent e-mail to president@musc.edu. Information should be received
by Tuesday, Sept. 7.