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to enhance economic development
The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education has a new research
grant program to stimulate economic development in the state.
The program is open to full-time, tenure track faculty who have not
received funds from federal agencies' nationally competitive research grant
programs for six of the previous 10 consecutive years while employed in
South Carolina's higher education institutions.
Awards will range from $75,000 to $200,000 for a one-year period, with
an anticipated start date of January 2000. Based on the number of meritorious
proposals received and amounts requetsed, it is anticiapted that five to
12 awards will be made to MUSC faculty.
Guidelines for this Research Grant Program are on the MUSC research
website at <
The new web page is designed to provide access to information about
grant opportunities with sponsor-imposed restrictions.
To increase MUSC's eligibility for awards, an internal evaluation of
proposals will be conducted. The deadline is Aug. 31.
Individuals can contact Joann Sullivan or Peggy Schachte in the Office
of Research Development at 792-5828 to discuss proposal requirements.