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At our Dec. 14 communications meeting, Michael Vanderhurst, equal
employment coordinator for the Office of Diversity, discussed equal employment
and treatment of employees in the workplace. The central theme of Mr. Vanderhurst’s
presentation was that we must all be attuned to the various employment
laws related to age, race, gender, religion, ethnic background or national
origin, and veteran’s status. We must use appropriate judgment in our routine
interactions with others in the workplace to ensure that we do not do or
say things that may violate employment laws. Mr. Vanderhurst is available
to provide department-based training, to assist in addressing workplace
treatment issues and to mediate problems.
As we look forward to implementing the Medical Center Authority, we
must be ever mindful of compliance with employment laws. While we will
be relieved from certain tedious state regulations, we will continue to
be covered by federal employment laws. We will need to revisit our employment-related
policies to ensure a strong equal employment and affirmative action program,
and to ensure good documentation of the employment process.
We also should keep in mind that one of the Medical Center’s values
is respect for others. We are committed to promoting an atmosphere
of respect and sensitivity for our diverse population of patients, visitors,
students and employees. Our recently combined position description/
performance appraisal includes respect as one of our behavioral expectations.
Thank you, and I hope everyone has a happy holiday season.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations and
Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
MUSC Meteorologist of the Decade
Al Nesmith, director of Safety, Security and Volunteer Services, and Pam
Cipriano, Ph.D., administrator for Clinical Services, presented WCBD-TV
2 meteorologist Rob Fowler with a plaque and a gift to honor his consistency,
accuracy, flexibility, availability and dedication to helping MUSC with
weather-related issues for the past 10 years. Nesmith said Fowler has put
in more than 3,000 hours helping MUSC track more than 60 hurricanes during
the past decade.
Michael Vanderhurst, equal employment coordinator for the Office of Diversity,
said his office has conducted more than 50 diversity training workshops
during the past year. Vanderhurst played a video outlining different types
of harassment and discrimination in the workplace, including race, national
origin, age and religion. He also discussed sexual harassment. Vanderhurst
reminded managers and directors that they have a responsibility to report
instances of harassment and discrimination.
Karen Pellegrin, Ph.D., director of Quality Management, reviewed the Medical
Center’s five performance improvement priorities, as outlined in the strategic
plan: reducing cost of care, management effectiveness, customer service,
medical staff involvement and information-based decision-making. While
all of these priorities are important, MUSC employees should focus especially
on improving customer service and reducing costs. These two priorities
can be abbreviated to “c-squared.”
Examples of major, organization-wide “c-squared” performance improvement
projects include: OR efficiency, discharge process, access and transition,
and idealized design of clinical office practice.
Managers and directors should make sure their staff members know the “c-squared”
priorities, are aware of one or more major “c-squared” performance improvement
projects, and can identify “c-squared” performance improvement projects
in their areas.
StatLAN Retirement
David Northrup, director of CCIT Healthcare Computing Services, said the
StatLAN retirement process has gone extremely well. He thanked everyone
for attending training and working collaboratively with CCIT to make this
a success. StatLAN has been retired everywhere except CMH and a few clinical
areas. The StatLAN system will shut down Dec. 21.
Lisa Montgomery, administrator for Financial Services, announced that Melony
Sikes recently assumed new responsibilities as a reimbursement coordinator.
Sykes’ duties will include handling issues related to the charge process
and Medicare/Medicaid regulations.