Program awards employees for caringThe following employees received recognition through the Ambulatory CARES Program (Customers Always Receive Excellent Service).Linda
Monroe, left, Hollings Oncology Center, was recognized for her excellent
patient care by
Each employee was “caught in the act of caring” and received recognition for performing a caring service to a customer. In addition they were awarded an “I CARE” button and became members of the “I CARE Corps.” Recognized were: Robbi Adams, Ambulatory Care Administration; Eulalia Brown, Ambulatory Care Administration; Sue Cammer, Ambulatroy Care Administration; Randy Harper, Ambulatory Care Administration; Sherry G. Miller, Ambulatory Care Administration; Nancy Wilson, Ambulatory Care Administration; Linda Monroe, Hollings Oncology Center; Terrie Pieper, Med/Surg Sub-specialties; Jacqueline McGriff, Neurosurgery Clinic; Ortherial Johnson, Neurosurgery Clinic; Tara Backman, Pediatrics Endocrine Clinic; Charles Preston, Pediatrics Orthopaedic; Candace West, Pediatrics; Carol Ramirez, Pediatrics Regional Scheduling. If you have received an “I CARE” button, please be sure to fax a copy of your card to 876-1482 for recognition purposes. For more information about the program, contact M.E. Morgan at 876-1476
or Susan Hamner at 876-1477.