Employees respond to wellness surveyThe purpose of the wellness survey was to evaluate employee interest in wellness related issues.Following the wellness committee's review of the results of the survey, activities will be implemented in time. The majority responded in a positive way to the need for wellness activities. As the chart illustrates, more than 97 percent of the 720 people who responded were in agreement with wellness activities offered in the context of their workplace. The survey explored program selection and alternative ways of communicating about them. People expressed their interest in seeing a wide variety of offerings. Employees from all sectors of the university were represented: more than 135 departments and MUSC, MUHA and UMA are included in the respondents. Thanks to all the employees who took time to complete the wellness survey. These results will be used to plan ongoing wellness-related programming for MUSC employees. MUSC Employee Wellness Survey
1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. a. MUSC should provide wellness activities for employees.
b. I would participate in employee wellness activities.
2. Please indicate your level of interest in the
following wellness offerings.
If Yes, which one? The top three included Harper Student Wellness Center, Ladies Choice and LifeQuest. If not MUSC, why do you NOT use the MUSC Wellness Center? The number one reason is cost. 4. Do you take advantage of wellness incentives
offered by your insurance carrier?
5. How would you prefer to receive notices about
wellness activities?
7. What method of receiving wellness information
do you prefer?
Gender Female 559 (79.18%) Male 147 (20.82%) Age
Median 43.86