Broadcast messages accessed through WebAnd you thought it couldn’t be done....shorter, easier-to-read Broadcast Messages. It has been done.To make Broadcast Messages more user-friendly, the Office of Public Relations introduces Broadcast Messages on the Web at <>. Caroline Davila, Public Relations, works on the Broadcast Message Web site. The administration of Broadcast Messages and Medical Broadcast Messages transitioned from CCIT to the Office of Public Relations in September. Those who subscribe to Broadcast Messages will still receive a daily e-mail. However, that e-mail will now contain only the titles of each message. If you’re interested in getting more information on a particular message, simply click on its headline. Your web browser will open and you’ll be taken directly to the section of the Broadcast Messages Web site with the information you need. Even if you don’t subscribe to Broadcast Messages, you can still view them at <>. The method for submission of broadcast messages has also changed. To submit your message go to <> and click “Add a Message.” When asked for your user name and password, enter your e-mail name and your network account password. For information regarding network passwords, call the MUSC Library at 792-2371. Your submission will be reviewed by the Broadcast Messages editor and then posted on the Broadcast Web site. Medical Broadcast Messages will continue to be sent out solely through e-mail. Information contained in Medical Broadcast Messages will not be posted on the Web site. Continue to e-mail messages for submission to Medical Broadcast to The guidelines, boxed and listed to the right, will now apply to Broadcast Messages. Please keep these guidelines in mind when submitting your message for broadcast. For questions about Broadcast Messages, e-mail To subscribe to Broadcast Messages, send a message to
Leave the subject blank. In the body of the message, type only “subscribe
musc-broadcast” (do not use the quote marks).
Broadcast E-mail Messages Policy
The following guidelines apply to items submitted for inclusion on broadcast e-mail messages. Please note that some guidelines are already applicable to broadcast messages but have not been implemented as official policy. PURPOSE:
2. Messages must be related to the mission of the Medical University of South Carolina 3. Messages must be informative, brief and to the point. 4. The content of the message and the removal date from the website are subject to change at the discretion of the Office of Public Relations staff. 5. Messages must contain contact name, e-mail address and phone number and/or web address where interested parties can obtain more information. 6. Messages will not be disseminated with forms (i.e. entry forms, pledge forms, etc.) but can send the reader to a separate location on the Web that has been designated for the form. 7. Occasionally, with messages of great urgency or importance, an individual message will be sent using the list. 8. No patient information should be included in broadcast messages. Membership in broadcast messages will remain voluntary and e-mail users may add or remove themselves from the list. CCIT will continue to maintain the list of persons who subscribe to broadcast e-mail messages. PROCEDURE:
There will be a once daily (Mon-Fri) dissemination of broadcast e-mail messages to subscribers. Messages must be received by noon to be included in the day’s broadcast e-mail message; that is, any message received after noon will be broadcast on the next working day. The sooner the messages are submitted, the sooner they will be on the
website. Messages will go out in the order they are submitted.