Funds to support development of learning centerThe College of Health Professions has traditionally used YES Campaign funds for a number of important purposes. These include scholarships and classroom equipment. This year, two new funds have been added to the list, and both of them underscore the importance of maintaining state-of-the-art educational technology and a look to the future expansion of the college.The Will Hagood Memorial Fund honors a former graduate of the Physician Assistant Program (PA) who died last year in a kayaking accident. This fund will support the immediate development of a student library and learning center in the PA Program's area, but the bulk of the fund will be used to develop a learning center in the college's future new building. The Valerie T. West Educational Technology Fund honors Dr. Valerie West, a longtime faculty member and administrator in the college. Her fund also targets the future new building and will assist in the acquisition of technologies to support teaching and learning. |