Faculty Senate meeting minutes, April 4The meeting was called to order by Dr. Adrian Reuben at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, April 4. The March minutes were discussed and approved.Senators Present:
Clinical Sciences: Peter Carek, Mark George,
Leonie Gordon, Mark Lyles, Timothy Lyons, Maria Lopes-Virella, Adrian
Dental Medicine: Jon Rampton Health Professions: Deborah Keil, Rich Hernandez, Andrea White, Library Science & Informatics: Elizabeth Connor, Peggy Schachte, Jennie Ariail Nursing: Elaine Amella, Francine Margolius, Sally Stroud Pharmacy: Jason Cooper, Ann Spencer Staff: Vivian Hall, administrative assistant
to the Faculty Senate
Student Government Association (SGA) President Kelby Hutcheson extended a warm invitation to the Senate to attend Alhambra’s 50th Celebration on April 8 at Joe Riley Stadium. Hutcheson gave a brief history on Alhambra and invited everyone to attend. Faculty Senate Elections
Senate Retreat
Chair Evaluation
The deans will inform the provost that the process has been completed. The provost informs the Faculty Senate. Legal Representation
Faculty Salary Policy
When the current policy was written, different salary sources (state, performance, incremental) were not taken into consideration complicating the issue of to which source a salary increase might be applied. In order to better understand this issue, the subcommittee is looking at drafts of a preferred policy or they may develop one of their own. Uuniversity Budget
Learning more about the budget process is a step in the right direction.
According to Peggy Schachte, it is typical for an institution like ours
to experience cash flow problems related to grant reimbursement and billing
during a period of growth.
Reuben announced the Faculty Senate representatives to several councils: Academic Council—Francine Margolius; Clinical Council—Adrian Reuben; Education Council—Andrea White; Research Council—Dan Knapp. Senate representation on these important councils will be rotated on an annual basis. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2, at 7:45 a.m.